How come EvC did not make a case against AdminRandman via posting what he did wrong as to warrant removal as an Admin ?
There was not any need to make a case. AdminRandman has not been accused of any malfeasance.
The reasons that AdminRandman was removed as administrator were given
We are all different. Some people are good at one thing, and some are good at another. Some people make good moderators, and others don't. There are several evos here who would probably be terrible moderators. And there are some creos who could probably be very good moderators, but just don't want to do it. Percy concluded that randman would not make a good moderator. It is not any reflection on randman that moderation at evcforum doesn't seem to be one of the things he is good at.
Incidently, I agreed with Percy's judgement on this. And I am glad that Percy restored member randman. Welcome back, randman, even if you are no longer an Admin.
(edit - correct posting id to AdminNWR)
This message has been edited by AdminNWR, 01-10-2006 09:21 PM