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Author Topic:   Fundamentalists (of all stripes) at it again (Re: Textbook Wars: Religion in History)
Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
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Message 46 of 194 (281898)
01-27-2006 12:36 AM
Reply to: Message 43 by Asgara
01-27-2006 12:29 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
The war is fought in the South and Nuba mountains. The nature of the war is that government forces or government backed forces target civilians. I think my guess is sound.

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 Message 43 by Asgara, posted 01-27-2006 12:29 AM Asgara has not replied

Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1783
From: Wisconsin, USA
Joined: 05-10-2003

Message 47 of 194 (281899)
01-27-2006 12:38 AM
Reply to: Message 45 by randman
01-27-2006 12:35 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Except rand, you only seem to care because you think it is xians getting killed.
If it was all islamic you wouldn't be so worried about the death toll.
You seem to think that since we don't buy your xian persicution paranoia that no one cares about the deaths in the Sudan. You are wrong, we just don't care about the only reason you seem to.
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Not simply a North-South, Arab-African, Muslim-Christian, or Government-SPLA conflict, the region's troubles are myriad and not easily reducible to simple dichotomies. Unfortunately, the norm in the Western media has been to eschew in-depth, penetrating analysis on Sudan and to substitute it with a more convenient reversion to hackneyed terms and journalistic rhetoric.
This message has been edited by Asgara, 01-26-2006 11:42 PM

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 Message 45 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:35 AM randman has replied

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 Message 48 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:43 AM Asgara has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
Posts: 6367
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Message 48 of 194 (281900)
01-27-2006 12:43 AM
Reply to: Message 47 by Asgara
01-27-2006 12:38 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Asqara, the only reason you think I only care about Christians being killed is the warped view you have of Christians. Heck, I pointed out in the Sudan that animists were being killed too, and provided a link which discusses moderate Muslims being killed, but the point was about insensitivity to Christian persecution world-wide, which in a lot of ways is stoked be the same hate one can see in the hearts and minds of some EVCers.

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 Message 49 by Asgara, posted 01-27-2006 12:45 AM randman has replied

Member (Idle past 2626 days)
Posts: 1783
From: Wisconsin, USA
Joined: 05-10-2003

Message 49 of 194 (281901)
01-27-2006 12:45 AM
Reply to: Message 48 by randman
01-27-2006 12:43 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
The hatred isn't of Christianity per is of a particular brand of Christianity that thinks they are better than everyone else, have the only truth, and wish to force that view on others.
Disbelief isn't hate, disagreement isn't hate, questioning isn't hate...though things take a turn for the worse every time they are label as hate.
This message has been edited by Asgara, 01-26-2006 11:46 PM

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SuperNintendo Chalmers
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From: Bartlett, IL, USA
Joined: 12-27-2005

Message 50 of 194 (281903)
01-27-2006 12:47 AM
Reply to: Message 44 by randman
01-27-2006 12:32 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
But that's just because religion and culture are mixed together. The Jewish, Hindu and Islamic groups are catered to because they represent minority cultures in this nation, and the idea is we cannot be fair to their stance since we are from a different culture, and so we should listen to their complaints and respect their wishes. It's not about fundamentalism.
You should read the article. There were members from each group on both sides of the issue. It seemed that fundamentalist and/or ultra-nationalist types were the ones wanting to revise history. There were others of those groups who didn't want to revise history.
NOW, I would agree that California's reaction was in part due to the "don't offend anyone" culture that I can't stand.

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 Message 44 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:32 AM randman has replied

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 Message 52 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:50 AM SuperNintendo Chalmers has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
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Message 51 of 194 (281904)
01-27-2006 12:47 AM
Reply to: Message 49 by Asgara
01-27-2006 12:45 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Doesn't sound too much different to me than anti-semistism. That form of hatred produced the Holocaust, and the despising of Christians produces similar slaughters, though less intense usually.
In fact, when you look at the communist reasons for persecuting Christianity, they sound pretty much exactly the same as the reasons expressed around here....that it is unscientific, irrational, etc,...

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 Message 54 by ReverendDG, posted 01-27-2006 12:56 AM randman has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
Posts: 6367
Joined: 05-26-2005

Message 52 of 194 (281905)
01-27-2006 12:50 AM
Reply to: Message 50 by SuperNintendo Chalmers
01-27-2006 12:47 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
I don't know what you guys are talking about. It is generally a complaint that fundamentalists don't respect other cultures and truths enough, and so multi-culturalists insist that all other cultures, besides Christian Western culture, be accorded with more respect.
So it's not fundamentalists doing this. Heck, saying this is fundamentalism is like saying MLK, jr and the civil rights movement was fundies too, since black Christians and preachers led the way.
Also, calling these Hindu groups complaining fundamentalists seems way off since they are preaching a liberalized, westernized version of Hinduism. The fact they may be connected to Indian nationalists seems bizzare since India is a nation, but either way, fundamentalism and nationalism are not the same thing.
This message has been edited by randman, 01-27-2006 12:54 AM

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 Message 55 by SuperNintendo Chalmers, posted 01-27-2006 12:57 AM randman has replied
 Message 60 by ReverendDG, posted 01-27-2006 1:05 AM randman has not replied

Member (Idle past 163 days)
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Message 53 of 194 (281906)
01-27-2006 12:51 AM

Returning to the theme of History Books.
It's time that, at least here in the US, we began teaching what actually happened. We need to quit revising our own history and begin admitting the absolutely horrible things that the US has done in the past, from Andrew Jackson's blatant refusal to obey the laws of the land, to the stealing and conquest of Hiwaii, to the horrors of United Fruit Company, the conspiricy of major corporatioins that doomed the rail and trolley systems in our urban areas, to the theft of Panama, the governments we've overthrown, the despots we've supported, the terrorists we've trained and the horrific treatment of our Native Americans.
We need to realize that if this is a Christian Nation, then it has been responsible for some of the worst genocide in history.
Until we can look at our own history and be honest about both the good and the bad, we are fated to continue committing some of the worst attrocities of all time.

Aslan is not a Tame Lion

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 Message 56 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:59 AM jar has not replied

Member (Idle past 4434 days)
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From: Topeka,kansas
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Message 54 of 194 (281907)
01-27-2006 12:56 AM
Reply to: Message 51 by randman
01-27-2006 12:47 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
as i said before, it wasn't about your reasons, it was about control, if there is a religion that holds a larger mind-share than yours, and you had the power to destroy it, say like the communists, would you let it exist or would you subvert it and destroy it?

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 Message 58 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 1:02 AM ReverendDG has not replied

SuperNintendo Chalmers
Member (Idle past 6158 days)
Posts: 772
From: Bartlett, IL, USA
Joined: 12-27-2005

Message 55 of 194 (281908)
01-27-2006 12:57 AM
Reply to: Message 52 by randman
01-27-2006 12:50 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Did you read the article at all?
They honestly just sounded like a bunch of nationalist (I would say more than fundamentalist) types trying to take advantage of California's refusal to "insult" anyone.
In any case, I don't care who is behind this... left/right/up/down it's wrong and dishonest.
It seems like one of those unholy alliances combining the negatives of both the left and the right to me.

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 Message 57 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 1:00 AM SuperNintendo Chalmers has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
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Message 56 of 194 (281909)
01-27-2006 12:59 AM
Reply to: Message 53 by jar
01-27-2006 12:51 AM

Re: Returning to the theme of History Books.
I thought you guys said this was a secular nation, not a Christian one. Andrew Jackson was horrible to the Cherokee, many of whom were Christian by the way, and I believe judging by my kids reactions, that schools now teach that fully to kids, and some of the other items you mention such as the United Fruit company's influence and Central America.
I truly hope we teach our kids the horrors done that you have listed, although maybe the rail and trolley thing is not a horror per se, and at the same time, I hope we equally teach them of the increble butchery we have encouraged and allowed of our own children resting and growing in the womb.

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 Message 67 by nator, posted 01-27-2006 4:57 PM randman has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
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Message 57 of 194 (281910)
01-27-2006 1:00 AM
Reply to: Message 55 by SuperNintendo Chalmers
01-27-2006 12:57 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Nationalism and fundamentalism are not the same thing. In fact, there are fundamentalists that are not nationalist at all.

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 Message 55 by SuperNintendo Chalmers, posted 01-27-2006 12:57 AM SuperNintendo Chalmers has replied

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 Message 59 by SuperNintendo Chalmers, posted 01-27-2006 1:04 AM randman has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 5223 days)
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Message 58 of 194 (281911)
01-27-2006 1:02 AM
Reply to: Message 54 by ReverendDG
01-27-2006 12:56 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
I'd say there is one already, greed, or maybe not a religion but materialism and many other isms seem to have a stronger grip on people's minds than Christianity. But the only way I advocate destroying them is through volunteer and peaceful means.

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 Message 54 by ReverendDG, posted 01-27-2006 12:56 AM ReverendDG has not replied

SuperNintendo Chalmers
Member (Idle past 6158 days)
Posts: 772
From: Bartlett, IL, USA
Joined: 12-27-2005

Message 59 of 194 (281912)
01-27-2006 1:04 AM
Reply to: Message 57 by randman
01-27-2006 1:00 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
Nationalism and fundamentalism are not the same thing. In fact, there are fundamentalists that are not nationalist at all.
No kidding, who ever said they were????
Sorry if I was unclear. One could be neither, one or the other or both...
I any case some of the groups sounded like nationalists... some sounded like fundies, some sounded like weasels!
Like I said, the important thing is that it is wrong, no matter who is behind it.

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 Message 57 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 1:00 AM randman has replied

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 Message 61 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 1:08 AM SuperNintendo Chalmers has not replied

Member (Idle past 4434 days)
Posts: 1119
From: Topeka,kansas
Joined: 06-06-2005

Message 60 of 194 (281913)
01-27-2006 1:05 AM
Reply to: Message 52 by randman
01-27-2006 12:50 AM

Re: multi-culturalism
I don't know what you guys are talking about. It is generally a complaint that fundamentalists don't respect other cultures and truths enough, and so multi-culturalists insist that all other cultures, besides Christian Western culture, be accorded with more respect.
what is a christian western culture?, we have an american culture
The fact they may be connected to Indian nationalists seems bizzare since India is a nation, but either way, fundamentalism and nationalism are not the same thing.
do you know what a nationalist is? it is a person who feels thier way of life is the only way, any other way is wrong and should be destroyed, anyone who doesn't like it will be shot

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 Message 52 by randman, posted 01-27-2006 12:50 AM randman has not replied

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