Quite a few predators will only eat live prey: bats, snakes.... How were they fed?
The Bible indicates that man was a vegetarian before the flood and implies that the animals were also. There was so much delicious and varied vegetation because of the super climate the terrarium atmosphere canopy indicated then. Imo, this condition will return during the millenial messianic rule soon to come. The prophecies have the lion "eating straw like the ox," when this occurs.
What does saturation in seawater do the ability of soil to support plant life, particularly crops like barley and wheat? Or olive trees?
Imo, the flood wasn't sea water. Most of the flood waters came from the vapor canopy which condensed and fell to earth. It would have diluted the relatively small bodies of earth water that may have had some salt content.
How did all those marsupials get to Australia after the flood, with no placental mammals getting mixed in? Did the blind "marsupial moles" (the Notoryctidae) burrow all the way?
The continents wouldn't have divided totally until the frozen Arctic and Antarctic waters melted enough to sink the thin crusts of the earth to the present depth of the deep oceans and thus pushing the high mountain ranges to their present height.
Where did Noah find enough eucalyptus leaves to feed the koalas, and enough bamboo to feed the giant pandas, out in Mesopotamia somewhere?
Likely he factored that in before embarking with a good supply. Then too, though these creatures loath the euclyptus, likely there were other things for them to survive on.