bison perhaps? T
North Dakota winter perhaps?
Before I explain this corrilation, I'd like to state that mammoths, dispite most artists seem to think, were NOT frozen tundra animals. The fur coat on the discovered wolly mammoths is not thick enough to have kept the animals warm in a Siberian winter as we see it today. In fact, it isn't much if any thicker then we see on many moderate climate animals today, bison perhaps? Therefore, it stands to reason that there was SOMEthing that happened to change the climate of northern Siberia while the mammoths were already there. It also stands to reason that that is what caused the mammoths (not to mention the other animals that have been found frozen in the Siberian wasteland) to have frozen with food still in their mouths (as was in the case of one of the Berezovka mammoths)
And your source that the fur isn't thick enough? And you explanation of the other indications of the climate at the time? Ice age remember?
Please supply references and clear reasoning. Your AiG paste doesn't support flash freezing. The conditions described would take days or weeks to cool the earth. No "frozen while eating" nonsense.
It also appears that AiG has decided that the Bible is missing a lot. It fails to mention anything of what they need to invent. I guess the God they believe in needs some help.
So how else would you suggust that a fossil made it to the top of a mountain?
Before you criticize modern science maybe you should find out something about it. You haven't heard of plate tectonics? Do you know what the nature of the fossils on tops of mountains are? (hint: they are NOT the clams you find on your beach today) If you look into these details you'll find that your flood hypothosis breaks down.