Your error is in claiming that anyone who finds bones in the dirt and calls them anything he wants to call them, makes it true.
You can't tell the difference between a chicken bone and a beef bone just by looking?
Really? You can't? Oh, you can?
Then why the hell is it so surprising that people who
study bones for a living can do the exact same thing, only to a greater degree of specificity and to more different kinds of bones?
When you see the medical examiner on CSI determine cause of death from marks on bones, do you think that they're railroading some innocent dude? Or don't you accept in
that context that the study of bones can actually tell us true things about what happened when the owner of the bones was alive?
Since the whole goal of evolutionists is to deny God, then they don't even CONSIDER other more rational alternatives to what those skulls and bones could be.
Flood stories were disproved by Christians in the 19th century. Today, even the Pope accepts the scientific model of evolution, along with about half of all Americans.
Are you trying to tell me that the Pope is in the business of denying God? That half of all Americans are atheists?
Don't be stupid, ok?