I think the more sophistocated YECs, if there is such a thing, or at least the most modern and up to date YECs, actually think the earth was flat, or with very low relief prior to the flood. Most now subscribe to some kind of catastrophic or rapid plate tectonics in which the present day mountains were formed. They realized that instead of beating their heads against the overwhelming evidence in favor of plate tectonics, it is more in their interest to embrace it. That way they can account for all the evidence in favor of plate tectonics, claim that it is consistant with their flood model, and not need any more water than is presently on the planet. The only problem is cramming all of geologic history, all the tectonic movement on every fault in the world, into the flood year. But if you can think that the oceans covered Mt. everest, why not.
Edited by bdfoster, : No reason given.
Edited by bdfoster, : No reason given.