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Author Topic:   Was there a worldwide flood?
Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 48 of 372 (411304)
07-19-2007 11:44 PM
Reply to: Message 47 by Repzion
07-19-2007 11:25 PM

Anglagard is quoting himself from another topic
At least try to use your own words, instead of using some one elses ideas. All of what you said was copied..
From the place you cited:
For those of you who are interested, a member of the Evolution v Creation forum, the link I posted on my previous post, has already begun to answer the 100 points CHER listed. The 100 point to refute the flood came from the other forum from a member named angalgard and the responded is Someone Who Cares. If you are interested in following the debate between these two people, use my link to read both sides. The thread there has been restricted to just these two members of but you can still read it.
Normally you might have had a point. But in this case your cite contains a message quoted from an earlier post at an earlier topic posting by Anglagard.
See 100 Categories of Evidence Against Noah’s Flood - S1WC and anglagard ONLY. Note that that is a "Great Debate", for two participants only. Do not post to that topic.
Edited by Admin, : Shorten link.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

This message is a reply to:
 Message 47 by Repzion, posted 07-19-2007 11:25 PM Repzion has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 157 of 372 (418555)
08-28-2007 11:09 PM

Let's put further tsunami discussion on hold...
until Refpunk comes up with some substance on the matter.
Refpunk, in message 143, writes:
In fact, some scientists have tried to explain that by saying there was a giant tsunami that once covered the whole earth. Other scientists claim it's snow melt from a huge ice age.
We need a link to some page about the above. Otherwise, it's a dead issue.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 177 of 372 (418736)
08-30-2007 12:24 AM
Reply to: Message 168 by Chiroptera
08-29-2007 8:32 PM

Troll talk
1) If you wish to make input of this sort, you should have gone to the "General discussion..." topic (link in my "signature"), and supplied a link back to the message(s) in this topic. Here the comment is getting buried somewhere it shouldn't have been in the first place.
2) Others should not have been replying to your message.
And do NOT reply to this message in this topic. Anyone doing such will get at least a 24 hour suspension. If you need to reply, go to the "General discussion..." topic, link below.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

This message is a reply to:
 Message 168 by Chiroptera, posted 08-29-2007 8:32 PM Chiroptera has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 372 of 372 (511802)
06-11-2009 11:36 PM

Blather messages - Also, topic has run its useful course
We've now well past 300 messages, and the topic has fragments to all kind of subtopics.
Also, we had off or non-topic blather messages at messages 342, 361, 363, 366, and 368, involving four different members (one who is soon to get two POTM cites from the non-admin mode, for other messages). Short suspensions almost happened.
Please note the "Geologic Column" topic links in message 370.
This topic closing down in about 15 minutes.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

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