As stated above, IRR time does not count as military time.
Alright let me clarify. This is a confusing topic, even for veterans.
. When you sign up for four years, you are actually obligated, by contractual agreement, to serve eight
You are tracking there.
But you get no money or no benefits while in the IRR, nor does that remaining four year time accrue towards retirement should you decide to come back.
This is also on the money.
As stated above, IRR time does not count as military time. Its only there as a contractual agreement, in the event
Oh yes it counts for time in service. Let's say you did 4 years active duty then 4 years in the IRR. You are then called up to serve on active duty. You will get paid for having 8 years time in service. I know this because I'm in this boat. I have 8 years Active Federal Service, but I get paid for 10 years Time in Service. When I hit 9 years AFS..I will get paid for 12 years TIS. But since I did those 3 years in the IRR, I can't retire until I have 23 years TIS which would put me at 20 years AFS.
You can actually stay in and retire out of the IRR.
NJ is correct about just being alive and in the IRR you fulfill the rest of your obligation. So his last orders transfering him to the IRR is the key document needed to satisfy service requirement.
If those WMD that don't exist were easier to identify and handled properly, then
this would not have occurred.