I don't know why you are asking me these questions, they have nothing to do with logic, just knowledge.
You really believe that? First you correctly answered the question of whether the earth rises and sets on the moon. Yet you cannot proceed from there to the next question? Alright. Then let us follow this shall we?
What does it mean for the earth to not move in the sky on the moon? What is the motion responsible for this effect to occur? Please think about what must be occuring between the Earth and moon to account for this.
To me a test on logic is more answering a question when given the necessary tools to figure it out. This does not exclude using logic to figure out the question you asked.
But here you have no directions except the ability to think out the consequences of your knowledge. Logic applies when you realize the actual motions involved in the first question are the answer to the second one. Think on it and let me know what happens as you try to figure it out ok?
I believe the answer to your question is no. The reason why is we are on a tilt, and that affects the orbit of the moon. So we are in a constant tug of war between sun, earth and moon. The tilt rotates once every 27,000 years, called reccesion.
Nope. The tilt is not pertainent to the orbit of the moon.To simplify it just take the Earth moon system itself and their interaction.