I don't know why you are asking me these questions, they have nothing to do with logic, just knowledge.
I am an amateur astronomer.
I own a Meade 8" reflector on an equatorial mount. It is old, and does not have the go to software, I have to polar align it manually. I use an olympus OM-1 for taking the pictures.
To me a test on logic is more answering a question when given the necessary tools to figure it out. This does not exclude using logic to figure out the question you asked.
I believe the answer to your question is no. The reason why is we are on a tilt, and that affects the orbit of the moon. So we are in a constant tug of war between sun, earth and moon. The tilt rotates once every 27,000 years, called reccesion.
I am not 100% on this answer as I haven't done any astronomy in about 8 years. I have to dig up my pictures of hale-bopp, and hyatake, and post them. I have to scan them first.