1. In an environment such as this EvC forum, should a participant be required to answer relevant questions? For example, what is your definition of evolution?
2. I hold that if a participant does not answer, they are being unethical. Do you agree or disagree? No discussion of repercussions or ramifications, just yes or no.
To my mind if they purposely refuse then they are being cowardly and dishonest. That's along the lines of "unethical". I mean they are still ethical, they are cowardly and dishonest.
But that is my ethical position and they may have a different set of ethics.
Ben gave me a great piece of advice. If they refuse to answer (let's say after asking two or three times) stop talking to them. I wish I could say I practice that advice regularly... he is right.
3. If a participant behaves in an unethical manner and yet continues to participate, are they being dishonest? Obviously, I say yes.
Yes, and then you know who they really are. They suck. But only you can make yourself upset over them sucking.
Yeah the rules here are supposed to help debate along, but it is apparent that if the rules were stictly applied there'd be very few people left posting here. Not that most people suck, but most people don't want to be held to the rules all the time.
"...what a fool believes he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away.."(D. Bros)