Your link is to the "Christianity Is Broken, but Can Be Fixed" topic.
In that topic is your
message 236, which in turn links to the
How do you define the word Evolution? topic.
The content of that message 236 is:
And to think, I was criticized for being off topic.
The ToE is not a house of mirror and it is more than theory, it is proven fact. I opened a thread here: http://< !--UB
EvC Forum: How do you define the word Evolution? -->
http://EvC Forum: How do you define the word Evolution?asking for people to give their definition of evolution. As I recall, no one that disavows ToE resonded with their definition. I request that you go there, read the opening post, and give us your definition. I also ask you to answer a question:
Are you dead set against ToE or are you willing to discuss your objections to it?
My computer and/or ISP have been acting up and that link does not work for me. Here is the thread by name: EvC Forum ’ All Forums ’ Science Forums ’ Biological Evolution ’ How do you define the word Evolution?