If this thread is based on
message 236, personally I think you are out of line.
bkelly writes:
Are you dead set against ToE or are you willing to discuss your objections to it?
I believe Faith answered you in the next post. Faith said maybe.
1. Faith's post mentioning the TOE was not to you and off topic.
2. Your post asking Faith to give her definition in another thread was off topic.
3. At that point Faith had the choice of taking up the challenge or not. Faith chose not to.
Faith answered maybe, but chose not to apparently. We have that choice and I don't feel that there is anything uncivil or dishonest about it.
Just because you wanted a debate in another thread on a specific subject doesn't mean Faith has to go there. Faith didn't make the comment in that thread.
Just because someone throws down the gauntlet, doesn't mean we have to pick it up.
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. -Edith Wharton