But the military is already overstretched, so you can't stay in Iraq for a long time, occupy the whole country, and make everything alright.
Bush was right all along, get out of there quick, so there is a credible military threat to Iran, Sudan, Syria, North Korea etc. in stead of staying in Iraq and have nothing much left over to threaten with.
Besides it is basicly the responsibility of the Iraqi's to make things right in their own country. I think a better solution, on leaving, may be to hand out arms very widely in Iraq, an armed peace, rather then to hand them to a very likely corrupt police and military force, which may well threaten genocides on defenseless civillians. The police and army are now such identifiable targets of insurgents and terrorists, as the only ones to have the right of force. What's an insurgent or terrorist going to do about an armed populace? I think I would certainly feel safer if I lived in Iraq, if I had a kalashnikov at home, and all my neighbours had one too.
Mohammad Nor Syamsu