Originally posted by keenanvin:
Well, take a self replicating cell, let it divide a few million times and group together with other cells to form clusters of cells that eventually develop to preform specialized tasks; eventually into multicellular organisms, which then in turn become different species of fish, bugs, frogs, and all those other 'critters'...... It may be a long shot but have you read "On the origins of species" by Charles Darwin? It is a long and somewhat boring book, but it does detail some fine points of evolution. If this is not adequate, try http://www.talkorigins.org. They have an excellent library of resources for Creationists and Evolutionists alike!
I must be off, it seems I have classes tomorrow... Hope this helped ~Kv
Thanks for the info,your the only one who answered the question I was asking.I will look into the info further.Can you answer me how you think that these combination of cells can form into animals then so called nature can be balanced the way it is if the combination of cells that formed these animals was random.