Maybe, or it could mean that we are degenerating morally overall so that witness integrity is actually less reliable than it used to be and it's a good thing we have sophisticated forensics. Not something that could be proved but something I suspect may be the case. One of those private musings again.
I'm sure that idea is just nonsense, however it is interesting how creationists seem to latching onto victorian ideas of degeneration.
This is where personal integrity plays a big part though. If people's judgments of what they witnessed are as easily swayed as some of these studies show, I think that is about integrity more than anything natural about memory. I think people today have less solid standards of honesty so that emotions and biases and external influences more easily compromise their view of things. Now don't totalize what I'm saying here.
Again nonsense - how does "integrity" alter The nature of Synaptic Change?