schraf writes:
It used to be thought that memories were kind of like video tapes, but we now understand that all memories are reconstructions of events.
I believe this statement is fundamentally incorrect. I don't think 'eye witness' testimony has ever been thought to be 100% reliable. Ever.
Except in politically driven kangaroo courts, I think it is very rare that eye witness testimony has ever been given 100% credibility.
Witness testimony is almost always evaluated to determine the degree of its reliability. That is why juries,judges, and historians both past and present, question things like the reputation of the witness, his motive, his proximity to the event, how long ago the even occurred, the likelihood that the event could have occurred as described, etc.
Also, memory is very plastic and maleable and memories are often manipulated and greatly affected by our emotional state, personal prejudices and biases.
Yes, and this concept has been well known since Adam accused Eve of making him eat the apple.
The idea that eye witnesses could be wrong, lying, or not 100% credible is not new at all. A cursory look at transcripts of US trials to the commentaries Roman historians make that pretty clear. The bible itself provides numerous examples of false or inaccurate 'eye witness' testimony.
This message has been edited by custard, 03-02-2005 14:05 AM