We have to agree to disagree there because I think they do.
Randman, you don't even have a basic level of understanding about what liberals believe. I'll try to explain it to you.
The liberal position is the one that distrusts ALL authority. That's right, ALL authority. (I'm very familiar with both the left and right, having belonged to both at variou points in my life). Liberals are much more distrustful of authority than conservatives.
Now, here is the kicker. Liberals believe that some things are just not suitable for private enterprise. Healthcare being a good example. If I have the choice between a corporate bean counter deciding whether I live or die as opposed to an elected official that I HAVE THE POWER TO CHOOSE of course I'm going to go for the elected official.
Some liberals, are very socialist.... but I think that's a minority position here in the states. I'm a pretty strong capitalist, but sometimes you have to admit that certain things work better as a govt. monopoly. Local power generation is a good example. Deregultion of the power industry is one of the bigeest disasters in modern history.
We shouldn't try ot create markets in places they don't belong.