If part of your "feminist" agenda is for a woman to be considered on the basis of what she does and who she is rather than how she looks, then it seems to follow you should be very careful about how you present yourself and should probably avoid appearing attractive.
Yeah. What a slut, to be wearing that slinky evening dress and heels!
Oh, wait. That's not at all what she was wearing. What more, exactly, should she have done to appear "less attractive"? Rub her face with pepper soap to incur blotches? Not washed her hair for a week? Roll around in feces? Don sackcloth? Cut off both breasts like St. Agnes?
Wear a bhurka?
It's that conservatives and the people she's fighting against would.
So, it's the responsibility of women to avoid appearing attractive to men, lest they be raped, or not taken seriously, or something.
Are you sure "Ben" isn't short for something? "Ben Laden", perhaps? (That's a joke.)
I think a conservative would say, they think about sex all the time because they feel it is "thrown in their face."
Nothing about this picture was "thrown in their face." It isn't sexy. It isn't alluring. The woman isn't even that attractive, and she's certainly not dressed inappropriately.
She has breasts, and she's standing in the front row where women are usually made to stand (because they're shorter than the men). Heavens forfend that a conservative be reminded that women have breasts!