I agree with you; faith is an important element in religious belief. I am happy to declare that I have faith in the One God, He who is Merciful and Compassionate, and He who does not have a son, or burden humans with original sin. Nature is His verses, and I try my best to read it to understand how He works.
Oh wait, I assume your faith is different stuff? That Jesus died on a cross so that all of us can go happily to heaven? No, I don't have faith in that blasphemy. How dare you Christians believe that God has a son, or worse, that God looks like a human!!
See. that's the problem with faith. We're all subjective and emotional when faith gets to scientific questions.
Uh-oh, there you go trying to introduce a larger perspective via the use of irony. And we all know fundamentalism and irony are mutually exclusive.
Oh, and my serious thoughts in the context of this thread: I have all sorts of cognitive dissonance when it comes to my beliefs... I feel something like a pantheist but think like a pretty convinced atheist. I draw the line between enjoying the possibility of something beyond nature and ordering my life around it (and imposing that order on others).
*edited to include the quote that I forgot the first time*
[This message has been edited by zephyr, 06-25-2003]