They make themselves superior to creationists because they
know what genetic drift is, or natural selection, or puncuated
It's too bad they come across sounding this way.
However, if you don't know what evolution is about then how can you possibly claim to be thinking about it?
If you know nothing (or little ) about a subject then why would you or anyone think your opinion about it means a darn thing?
Generally it gets annoying to hear people go on about evolution when everything they say demonstrates they know nothing about it.
Others have pointed out that if someone like myself started making statements about what Christianity says with things like, "Jesus says we should be cannibals, it says so in the bible!" you'd be some mix of amused, angry and frustrated. Well, I see exactly equivalently stupid, ignorant and direct statements made here regularly.
You'd be especially annoyed if someone kept saying it even when you'd pointed out that anything I used to support my nutty idea is not accepted by theologians and other experts anywhere at anytime.
If someone is ignorant of an area and is arrogant as well then they can probalby expect some fairly negative reactions. I'm not sure you can condemn those reacting that way under those circumstances.