MangyTiger writes:
I've always called it a shell game, somebody else on the forum called it a rope-a-dope tactic a while ago. Either description works.
I begin to wonder if you're just a troll after all.
What randman makes clear, over and over again, is that his primary loyalty is to a political faction and an economic class, not to the ideals upon which democracy and the American republic are based. In his eyes, there is no sin which cannot be washed clean in the blood of the Republic if it is committed by a Republican.
Randman has explicitly stated that he will not criticize actions performed by Republicans that he criticized when they were performed by Democrats because it would provide aid and comfort to "lefties"--his only loyalty is to power, and his only option is to change the subject.
There have been about a dozen signing statements from previous presidents that seek to interpret the terms of new laws drafted with considerable involvement by the White House. Bush uses the signing statements to defy his Constitutional duties. He has issued more than 800 signing statements intended to undermine Congress' power to make laws with which he disagrees. He has repeatedly broken his Presidential Oath to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.
Fortunately, the tide is turning: conservatives with integrity are joining the chorus to criticize Bush II because they recognize the danger of allowing his precedents to stand--their partisans will not always hold the reins of government, and they no more want Democrats to enjoy an imperial presidency than liberals want Bush to do so.
I believe Bush's excesses will shepherd the neocon backers of an Imperial Presidency back into the political wilderness where they belong, and randman can again pretend that his partisan goals match our national interests.
God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, ”Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It’s yours.’
--Ann Coulter, Fox-TV: Hannity & Colmes, 20 Jun 01
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