This thread was just called to the attention of moderators. I'm not going to involve myself in moderation of this thread, but it does sound like a reasonable request to stay on topic.
I'm actually posting because I have a comment. The only difference I can see between Clinton and Bush is in the magnitude of their mistakes. Bush was presented the greater opportunities for making tragic mistakes and seems to have taken full advantage of them. I think that one of the great advantages of our system of government is that it minimizes the damage politicians at the top can cause. Bush makes clear that our system still needs improvement. We don't want our top politicians rendered completely impotent, but it would be nice if the fiasco potential could be minimized a bit more.
Bush is a lame-duck president. He'll be gone soon, though unfortunately the damage he's done in the Middle East will likely live on for years, even decades. The lesson of Vietnam did not prevent Iraq, and it's very likely that the lesson of Iraq will not prevent some dimwit president from repeating the same mistake some time down the road.