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Author Topic:   Bush takes one more step toward outright fascism.
Posts: 23156
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 127 of 158 (336982)
07-31-2006 5:01 PM

This thread was just called to the attention of moderators. I'm not going to involve myself in moderation of this thread, but it does sound like a reasonable request to stay on topic.
I'm actually posting because I have a comment. The only difference I can see between Clinton and Bush is in the magnitude of their mistakes. Bush was presented the greater opportunities for making tragic mistakes and seems to have taken full advantage of them. I think that one of the great advantages of our system of government is that it minimizes the damage politicians at the top can cause. Bush makes clear that our system still needs improvement. We don't want our top politicians rendered completely impotent, but it would be nice if the fiasco potential could be minimized a bit more.
Bush is a lame-duck president. He'll be gone soon, though unfortunately the damage he's done in the Middle East will likely live on for years, even decades. The lesson of Vietnam did not prevent Iraq, and it's very likely that the lesson of Iraq will not prevent some dimwit president from repeating the same mistake some time down the road.

Posts: 23156
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 134 of 158 (337391)
08-02-2006 1:04 PM
Reply to: Message 130 by Jazzns
08-02-2006 11:54 AM

Re: Bump for Bush Supporters
I think Faith is correct. Your OP lacks all semblance of objectivity and balance. Like all presidents, Bush is a mix of positive and negative qualities, and his administration is a mix of positive and negative outcomes. Those from either political persuasion can selectively use this information to portray him in any light they choose. You chose a negative light, so what.
Historians of the future will likely see Bush as a well-meaning president most notable for shepherding the country through the period after the largest ever foreign attack on American soil, and for overreacting to external threats in ways that threatened world peace and stability, and that placed undue and unwarranted pressure on civil liberties. He is neither devil nor angel, and definitely not a fascist.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 130 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 11:54 AM Jazzns has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 135 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 1:30 PM Percy has replied
 Message 140 by nator, posted 08-02-2006 5:15 PM Percy has not replied

Posts: 23156
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 136 of 158 (337405)
08-02-2006 2:13 PM
Reply to: Message 135 by Jazzns
08-02-2006 1:30 PM

Re: Willing to examine the fascism claim
Jazzns writes:
I am willing to be shown wrong on this. That is why I started this topic. So far though, rather than defending Bush all we have seen is a bunch of people being offended by my use of the word fascist.
I'm not offended at all. It's just so far beyond the pale as to not warrant serious consideration. What you're doing is taking advantage of man's inherent ability to rationalize whatever appeals to him. If you're able to convince yourself Bush is a fascist, then good for you! But the power of your idea is measured not by your ability to persuade yourself, but by your ability to persuade others.
Your arguments are like an apologetic in that they'll really only convince those who are already convinced, and perhaps also the gullible. In order to have a wider reach your arguments must take on at least the appearance of balance and objectivity. Perhaps your intention is that others should provide the other side of the story, but I think you've staked out such an extreme position that no one sees the need. Your argument is self-evidently false to most people.

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 Message 135 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 1:30 PM Jazzns has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 137 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 2:48 PM Percy has replied

Posts: 23156
From: New Hampshire
Joined: 12-23-2000
Member Rating: 5.7

Message 138 of 158 (337426)
08-02-2006 4:06 PM
Reply to: Message 137 by Jazzns
08-02-2006 2:48 PM

Re: Willing to examine the fascism claim
Jazzns writes:
But Percy, I said I am willing to be shown wrong.
Great! Maybe someone will take enough interest to engage your arguments, but it won't be me. I replied not because I have much interest in this topic, but just to explain why I thought people weren't participating. I already said all I have to say on the subject, and it doesn't really matter to me what other people think about Bush.
The way I see it is that in every presidency there are always those who sound the alarm that the current president is taking us down the road to perdition. So far it hasn't happened, and eventually one tires of the alarmists and just tunes them out. It's like the end of the world, often prophesied and just as often delayed. But even the Roman Empire fell, so when America eventually falls the harbingers of doom of that generation can claim credit and say they told us so.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 137 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 2:48 PM Jazzns has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 139 by Jazzns, posted 08-02-2006 4:38 PM Percy has not replied
 Message 141 by crashfrog, posted 08-02-2006 5:32 PM Percy has not replied

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