Crashfrog writes:
So either Christians wouldn't even try, or they would try to see if the aliens were fallen or not.
Many variables would change the response of planet eart. First, the "Christians" are not a country and would not be the only group of people fighting the aliens.
2) What would these aliens be doing? If they were picking people off of the streets of Paris and cutting them open, that would be far different than if they landed in Topeka, Kansas and simply started to repair their ship in the middle of a cornfield. N.O.R.A.D. would probably (not certainly) have seen them coming. Big deal, though! We saw Hurricane Katrina coming and yet it was four days before the blacks in New Orleans were treated as humans.
3) Some think that such an event would unite the nations of the world. You would still have the haves and the have-nots squabbling, however! People seem to think that the government is some mysterious entity with unlimited money and funding. It is our money, however! That is why the government waits for the people to decide to vote the help. It was this way with the Tsunami, and this way with Katrina.
If New York or Washington D.C. get hit, however, that becomes the rich peoples money, and thus...the government just goes ahead and spends!