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Author Topic:   Your DNA could predict your surname
Member (Idle past 300 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 1 of 5 (289365)
02-21-2006 8:15 PM

A recent BBC Article has something interesting to say:
Forensic scientists could use DNA retrieved from a crime scene to predict the surname of the suspect, according to a new British study...The researchers used the data to roughly test the predictive power of the method. They found the approach was most useful for less common names, with a 34% chance of prediction in the 80 least common surnames from the 150-name sample.
"This range of surnames makes up 42% of the population. So we're looking at prediction in just under half of the population. We have to exclude the Smiths and Joneses," Dr Jobling said.
The researchers extrapolated their success rate to the 25-65 no-suspect murders and 300-400 no-suspect rapes on the police books each year, and found the method could help in roughly 10 murders and 60 rapes annually.
As we develop a larger and larger database, this method, and others like it, could have tremendous implications for the future of criminal investigations. Both fantastic, but slightly scary at the same time.

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 Message 2 by Faith, posted 02-21-2006 8:20 PM Modulous has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 2 of 5 (289366)
02-21-2006 8:20 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by Modulous
02-21-2006 8:15 PM

Could you please explain how this works to a person of execrable scientific understanding?
This message has been edited by Faith, 02-21-2006 08:20 PM

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 Message 1 by Modulous, posted 02-21-2006 8:15 PM Modulous has replied

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 Message 3 by Modulous, posted 02-21-2006 8:30 PM Faith has replied

Member (Idle past 300 days)
Posts: 7801
From: Manchester, UK
Joined: 05-01-2005

Message 3 of 5 (289370)
02-21-2006 8:30 PM
Reply to: Message 2 by Faith
02-21-2006 8:20 PM

Could you please explain how this works to a person of execrable scientific understanding?
That's a wonderful word, execrable. I don't think it describes your scientific understanding. In many ways you have a scientific heart, Faith.
I don't know the specific technique used, I'll see if I can find some primary literature, but it works because the surname is traditionally passed down the paternal line, so people that share a surname are likely to be related (though with common names, it doesn't work).
As surnames are passed paternally, so is the Y chromosome. The idea is that they look at the chromosome and compare it to others they have on record. The ones that share the highest levels of similarity are the most related, and are most likely to share the same surnames.
It's not perfect for many reasons, but it can help focus on certain suspects, asking them to submit to DNA testing.
I didn't explain that very well I know, but do you get the gist?

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 Message 2 by Faith, posted 02-21-2006 8:20 PM Faith has replied

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 Message 4 by MangyTiger, posted 02-21-2006 9:01 PM Modulous has not replied
 Message 5 by Faith, posted 02-21-2006 9:26 PM Modulous has not replied

Member (Idle past 6669 days)
Posts: 989
From: Leicester, UK
Joined: 07-30-2004

Message 4 of 5 (289378)
02-21-2006 9:01 PM
Reply to: Message 3 by Modulous
02-21-2006 8:30 PM

So the best way to get away with murder is to be born female
Just another way us males are being discriminated against

I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then

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 Message 3 by Modulous, posted 02-21-2006 8:30 PM Modulous has not replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1760 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 5 of 5 (289382)
02-21-2006 9:26 PM
Reply to: Message 3 by Modulous
02-21-2006 8:30 PM

I DID get the gist, thank you very much.
And what a SWEET thing to say to execrably unscientific Faith that I have a scientific heart. Tell that to NosyNed!

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 Message 3 by Modulous, posted 02-21-2006 8:30 PM Modulous has not replied

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