I honestly tried to go to sleep but I couldn't I felt so angry.
Why Abortion should be supported (supposed reasons):
1. Rape victims.
Do two wrongs make a right?
It's horrible that you were raped and it isn't wrong fault you're pregnant but is it ok to essentially kill a baby even though you didn't put your pregnancy on yourself?
2. If it is your fault. (by unprotected sex)
Isn't it your responsibility to have the child and at least give it to an adoption agency? Reminder: If you don't it will die from murder.
3. If you have the baby you will die
This is where it is your choice to have the baby or not. This reason is the crutch of pro-choice enthusiasts. This is a very rare occurence and is used to make murder look nice and the last resort type thing. I have a friend that says she is pro-choice. The only reason why she is pro-choice is because of this rare occurence. Why support something that is so much more broad than that.
If you are pro-choice you support all of these reasons, and even perhaps the more inhumane atrocities that are being committed outside of this country. Although you can't get more inhumane, just more gory, to the point where you can see the baby so it makes you feel like you're are ordering murder. If they're just cells than you don't feel this way. It's not what the cells are, it's what the cells will become. You who support abortion are killing off future youth, maybe future geniuses who can better our world. But it shouldn't matter what they become either, you don't know anyway. All you know and all you need to know is that babies are dying by murder and you are partly if not all to blame.
What will you say to this?
They're just cells not a baby.
What will those cells become? What are you denying those cells and what are you denying what is the future of those cells of?
I am frustrated by how anyone can not see abortion as cold-blooded killing. If you don't see it as such please respond.
Most of the time when people say "you are blinded from the truth!" it isn't absolutely true, if not at all but if you think abortion is morally sound and ethical, if abortion isn't murder, death and killing another human being to become (at the least) then you truly are blinded and it's so tragic. It just doesn't make sense to me how someone could feel that way. Lord help mankind!