I hope that captilizing your letters will may be garner from you (or others a read). I have *not* gotten deep enough to really see what your beloved"" STLY is up to here but the link here WAS to a topic I mentioned in a thread that mysteriously disappeared for a time when I had, or so I thought deftly used both words "confusion" and "conflict" to advantage this side of the Aced ball or so I thought I was about to. Instead and as you and Mammuthus both can be intelligent enough to know that if Creationism DOES NOT change the editorial policy at say NATURE then it will not be able to be but a toy video game to us more so I hope serious users of this and other sites.
Unfortunately I MUST report with respect to the linkage here to ID info that I HAVE COME TO THE CONCLUSION that underlying systematically (I would have thought it only a few regime changers with a bit too much subway for lunch)(THE CREATION AND EVOLUTION AS TWO AND NOT ONE)is a disebling agenda THAT IS NOT WHAT IS READ FROM THE PRIOR TO ELECTRONIC PRINT MEDIA of the same topic. This IS very disconcerting to me for I did not use the net in the early years as I was ACUTALLY DOING RESEARCH and had not time to chat, link, inform etc and yet in the subject of c/e WHICH IS NARROWER than Science Techonology and Society Studies the subversion has become so complete that people who WANT TO GET INFORMED CAN NOT because of the filtering that the few comets in our mists input which leaves one back to the standard print media in which case the insights that can be ADDITIONALLY gained in a communicable environment such as this left to a bit of DUST on.. you name it.
I am not saying one way or the other about whether ID info should or should not have been removed but the protestors"" "enjoyed" talking to the IDist and I myself in light of this rejection find I am becoming much the standard Creationist EVEN THOUGH THIS IS NOT WHAT I THOUGT WOULD BE THE VERY END RESULT. I only see this impass on the web possible if the science changes but the science wont change because the scientists dont want even the metaphyiscs of creationsm (ID etc) and if this (today's c/e look) is what the students get as an alternative NO ADVANCE is possible for SOCIETY. I have not heard anything post-war that changes even my feelings on this.
This is not the job of the government to change either. I hope this helps.