I would like to ask the opinions of those posting on this board about evolution in general.
As life evolved; there was a point that life did not exist. But evolved from what was.
As the earth evolved, there was a point in time the earth did not exist.
As our universe evolved, there was a point in time our universe..?
Point: As we turn all evolutions in reverse, we eventually come to a point of a greater simplicity of structure, to one structure, which evolved.
Looking at the universe as a whole, i wish you to answer:
As long as two things are, is "before that" a relevant question concerning evolving things?
Is it possible our "always was" universe existed in a singular state, before any evolutions, as relativity suggests in the mathematical singularity?
Edited by tesla, : No reason given.
keep your mind from this way of enquiry, for never will you show that not-being is