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Author Topic:   Revisiting Aquinas's Argument from Perfection
Trump won 
Suspended Member (Idle past 1564 days)
Posts: 1928
Joined: 01-12-2004

Message 1 of 4 (880214)
07-31-2020 12:19 AM

The highest form of things. If there is love, there must exist a perfected form of it, for all other forms of love, to be judged from.
Hence, Christ is the perfect love, Our Lord of Love, rather, Our Lord of Divine Mercy.
We see evil perfected and suffering perfected, but our love was perfected in suffering, and out of perfect evil, abounded perfect goodness, Christ, the essence of perfect love. The quintessence of love.
Atheism is a brain disease, it is inert matter, brain decay, brain damage, and dead brain tissue, it represents disease and filth and death, it is totally inert. It does not move nor have the form of movement, it is not stagnant, it is a rock that cannot teach itself to roll, it is human depravity. Atheism is a beleagured thought pattern that promotes illness and mental deformity. It values ugliness and does not understand love. Ugly is ugliness, the elephant man: to the atheist, a deformed hominid, to the Christian, beauty in quintessence, a soul of light, love, and beauty, and the leaves roll down the hill, the cock crows, the moon brightens the night, the deer run in front of cars, and Christ has been revealed, the extreme love to the extreme hate, the perfect love that illumines the world. The spiritual sun and omphalos of man's nature and nature's nature; we believe in created beings, not aimlessness, not order of chaos, not evilness, not something out of nothing, not erudition for the benefit of the blind, dumb, and deaf.
Nicodemus enters the stage and he asks the Christman ecce homo,
how can a man be born again, without reentering a womb,
but this rebirth is total and complete and of the Spirit, the spirit is a denied reality here, but what permits the creator to keep his captive here, if this was merely a simulation, wouldn't we have made a purposeful GAME OVER?
blue pill boomers echo the halls
sophomoric gotcha artists
creation is the way

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by AdminPhat, posted 07-31-2020 11:38 AM Trump won has replied

Inactive Member

Message 2 of 4 (880253)
07-31-2020 11:38 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by Trump won
07-31-2020 12:19 AM

To Promote Or Not to Promote.
I notice that you changed your name again, Chris. A couple of questions before I promote this. Do you actually want the topic to focus on the writings of Thomas Aquinas or just the argument about perfection? Not too many here will engage with you but I will go into a Theological discussion with you. So a question. The views on atheism in your topic starter---were they Aquinas views or more your opinions?
I would love to take the opportunity to study Aquinas more...I never really have read him.I remember you used to like Sren Kierkegaard. So you can go off in several directions. I will promote this if you want it to be a place where you can unwind your theological views in general, but would like to avoid politics or music in this thread. What do you think? Which Forum? Faith & Belief OK?

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 Message 1 by Trump won, posted 07-31-2020 12:19 AM Trump won has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 3 by Trump won, posted 08-01-2020 12:55 AM AdminPhat has not replied

Trump won 
Suspended Member (Idle past 1564 days)
Posts: 1928
Joined: 01-12-2004

Message 3 of 4 (880290)
08-01-2020 12:55 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by AdminPhat
07-31-2020 11:38 AM

Re: To Promote Or Not to Promote.
ill get back to u on this when i have a free moment

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 Message 2 by AdminPhat, posted 07-31-2020 11:38 AM AdminPhat has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 4 of 4 (880357)
08-03-2020 2:59 PM

Thread Copied to Faith and Belief Forum
Thread copied to the Revisiting Aquinas's Argument from Perfection thread in the Faith and Belief forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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