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Author | Topic: "The OT...contains all accepted moral laws" - calling out IamJoseph | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
In another thread, IamJoseph made this statement:
The OT remains the only document containing all accepted moral.ethical laws. None come from the enlightenment: feel free to name one, or any law accepted by the world, and not contained in the OT: just ONE will do. Since a real reply to this bold statement would be off-topic in that thread, I'd like to propose a thread where the numerous examples of widely accepted moral laws not supported by or even opposed by the Old Testament can be brought to IAJ's attention. I think this would be a useful exercise for those who believe the Bible, particularly the Old testament, is an actual moral guide. My own examples will follow, should the topic be promoted. Faith and Belief, perhaps?
AdminCoragyps Inactive Member |
Thread moved here from the Proposed New Topics forum.
Taz Member (Idle past 3607 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Thou shalt not enslave thy fellow children of god.
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
Where to start, IamJoseph?
quote: So..."freedom of religion" or even tolerance of other faiths was definitely not a moral law espoused by the OT. The freedom to worship (or not worship) in whatever way one chooses is one of the most basic human rights held by the global community today. There's one example, as you requested, IAJ. Any response? Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
Nothing to say for yourself, IaJ?
Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
The Agnostic Member (Idle past 6249 days) Posts: 36 From: Netherlands Joined: |
What I find even funnier is that the OT apparently assumes those gods exist.
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4244 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
the hebrews were never monotheists. they were henotheists. there may be any number of gods, but i like this one.
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
Since IaJ hasn't replied, and I think this is worth more than simply proving him wrong, I'd like to continue pointing out ethical laws either not contained in the OT, or specifically contradicted.
quote: And so on and so forth. The Bible obviously approves of slavery. Hell, the slave owners of the American South used the Bible as justification for their evil enterprise for many years - and they were right, biblically. (we won't discuss passages like Exodus 21:16 "He that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death," because contradictions aren't the topic of this thread...) Slavery, of course, is reviled by the international community, and is considered one of the most abhorrent examples of human rights violations. Yet another ethical law not only absent from the OT, but directly contradicted. Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
Modulous Member (Idle past 301 days) Posts: 7801 From: Manchester, UK Joined: |
The list of laws IaJ was referring to can easily be looked up here.
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
Let's not forget Genocide:
gen·o·cide-noun the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. quote: Killing all firstborn children in Egypt, just because they were Egyptian? That qualifies as both Genocide and Infanticide. Hell, it even mixes in animal cruelty, but that's hardly surprising considering the Biblical god demands blood sacrifice constantly in the OT - half of Leviticus is given over to the rules for proper sacrifice!
quote: An entire kingdom murdered. More from Exodus:
quote: Another entire population killed. Note that "none left him alive" would mean women and children were killed, too.
quote: God himself specifically orders killing yet another tribe.
quote: So they kill all of the males...
quote: ...and took all of the women and children as slaves! But wait! Moses gets angry at this...
quote: quote: The Hebrews kill all of the male children, and any girl or woman who is not a virgin. And then they take all the virgin girls for themselves...presumably as sex slaves. So...there we have more genocide, along with sexual slavery and rape. How about the famous story of Jericho? Everyone remembers hearing about how the "walls came tumbling down" in Sunday School, right? What about the rest of the story?
quote: The Israelites killed every man, woman, child and even animal in the city. Today, children are taught happy songs about how the walls of Jericho miraculously fell. They leave out the part about soldiers tearing babies from their mothers arms and stabbing them with a sword, before killing the mother as well. The prohibition against Genocide is another ethical principle not supported in any way by the OT, but accepted as obvious by the global community today. Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
Rahvin Member Posts: 4083 Joined: Member Rating: 7.9 |
Even within his list of laws, some directly oppose "accepted moral, ethical laws." For example, #199: "To keep the Canaanite slave forever (Lev. 25:46)"
I've been taking the entire OT as a whole rather than just the 613 Commandments of Judaism, but even restricting it (and his claim referred to the entire OT, not just these laws) still shows him as factually incorrect. Every time a fundy breaks the laws of thermodynamics, Schroedinger probably kills his cat.
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3984 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
quote: Now that's a new one. Henotheists - as in believing in hens? ================== Concerning laws, few realise the significance of many laws which impact science and cosmology. The laws relating to time and a calendar, for example, are merely listed as single verse commands, that these be observed strictly at specific time. Often these were not given with dates, because as yet calendars were not formalised, and these instructions had to be given via observable and then known portraits of nature, such as harvest time, full moon, sun set, etc. The people had to scratch their heads and employ the minds to new tresholds, and devise a means of responding to such laws. Here, we can see how science developed from ancient theology. Here, we can also see the impact of the OT ritual laws when alligned with the then known science of other theologies and nations, and whether the OT contaned any deep wisdom of nature and the universe - hw they stand with today's advanced generation. This is important in determining the status of all laws seen in the OT, and thus a good intro in evaluating these laws - not to fast on the draw. TIME & THE HEBREW CALENDAR. This calendar records much ancient historical data not available elsewhere, and contains criteria of time measurements from pre-existing premises, while still being based on stats contained only in the OT. These OT references, which impact the hebrew calendar, are listed in this summary, which renders this a calendar which used ancient knowledge developed by early nations and their sciences, while also being different, and also the most accurate and oldest active time keeper of humanity's history. There is no history per se outside this calendar; history being alligned to modern man input, whereby a 'name' becomes more relevent than a Dinasaur skeleton imprint. This calendar is thus also one of the early possessions of mankind's science and mathematical devices which protected human history's recording on this planet. Its the only one of its kind. Note that this summary states there is no physical cycle of 7 days, it came from G-d in Eden (Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:8-11) - yet this held up for humanity's time processing; also note this unfolds the origins of the Zodiac, and the input of several early nations and their sciences which became totally synchronised with the OT verses and constants. Its chief import is, this calendar would not be possible if the references in the OT, which it applied in its creating, were not scientifically correct!
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3984 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
quote: I had no prompts of these posts. I see you guys have zoomed into some laws which appear very negatively presented. Firstly, I myself find any law which is racist or positively wrong, unacceptable. Further, I also believe that if a book contains one positively bad/wrong law, it renders the entire book unacceptable, where that book presents itself as a divine inspired document; because G-d cannot be selectively or partially right, and still omniscient. I have questioned some laws myself, starting in the goal of evidencing these as wrong, in order to not accept the entire works. I did find that the wrong aspect was a result of limited knowledge in the subject. With regard my bold statement, all world accepted moral/ethical laws are contained exclusively in the OT: I stand by this statement. This has not been taken up, and instead, some laws have been presneted here as being unacceptable; as opposed to showing any law from any other place, being accepted by the world, and not already contained in the OT. And what I refer to as 'world accepted', is that it is not limited to being followed only by the adherants of that religion, but rather that it is accepted by others, and other countries and nations, and enshrined in their institutions and constitutions. Obviously, not all peoples or countries or ideologies would follow all the laws, because some would impinge on their own laws and beliefs, for example, we do not see communist states accepting free elections, liberty, democrasy and inalienable humans rights: this does not infringe my statement, any more than murder being wrong and murderers existing. The only law I found which is generally accepted and not contained in the OT, is that of Bigamy, said to be introduced by the least likely source, namely by Rome. I still wonder if this qualifies, because post-law [post Moses], multi wives were fully abandoned, and Rome introduced this law for different reasons than moral/ethical considerations. Still, that Rome 'mandated' this into law, is something worth acknowledging. But this thread did not posit any canditates to negate my bold statement. What happened?!
IamJoseph Member (Idle past 3984 days) Posts: 2822 Joined: |
quote: I would think, by not including ritual laws, which are specific to its prefixed, 'UNTO YOU' [Israelites], and by showing some world accepted laws not contained in the OT.
quote: Understand what that means. Not that there is an acknowledgement of other Gds, but that this was the percieved beliefs prior to Abraham's Monotheism. It means there are no other Gods ['I am the Lord, there is no other'/Ex]. we see that the 2nd C of Sinai forbids the worship of any components of the universe, including those on this earth, including images and animals: obviously, there can be no view that this is because the images and animals are Gds, but because it is false and a wrong path. This does not come under moral/ethical laws, but ritual. This is a good, correct, intelligent, unquestionable law, even from the pov of atheists, scientists and other belief systems. There can be no Monotheism w/o forbidding other false worshiping; this is what caused Abraham to flee his hometown in UR, with a death sentence decreed against him. In all cases of understanding the laws, its intergration premise must be factored in: one cannot conclude with a contradiction in another place - this signifies a wrong turn, an incorrect understanding. Wrong way - your bad - go back.
quote: Human sacrifice was first forbidden in the OT; as well as incest, beastiality and basing knowledge and direction according to the occult. The term of the text is sorcerors, and this is different from modern times palm readers and crystal balls, which were murdered in 1000s by the medevial church. in biblical times, a sorceror was a very evil person, able to cause the death of a family member, or making a nation go to war, as well as inculcating very vile practices which cannot be recovered from. In all cases, the issue of a death sentence is qualified by several conditions, even before convicting the owner of an animal which killed humans - warnings and conditions apply; the penalty adaptable to the generation's held ways - even for wanton murder [capital punishment was first abolished in Israel, 2900 years ago]. But the law against ancient sorcery was a good law, and not to be confused with superstitition, today's modern white witches or bias against other forms of believers ['LOVE THE STRANGER'; etc].
quote: Read carefully this exacting text. NOT BOW = limited to worship only; AFTER THEIR WORKS = abandoning Monotheism laws and practicing Polytheism/paganism via ensnarement - inducement and purposeful design. It does not sanction being disrespectful of other beliefs or not accomodating them w/o prejudice [DO NOT VEX THE STRANGER; etc]. Here, both party's interests must be negotiated, and the stranger is also onuserable by 'HONOR THE LAWS OF THE KINGDOM WHICH HOUSES YOU'. If one accepts to go and live in Mecca, for example, they cannot flaunt that nation's laws.
quote: No covenant = which would contradict the existing Abrahamic covenant.
quote: This is qualified with, and applying to: 'lest they make thee sin against me'. It is an extension of the previous verse 32, namely, it refers to making covenants with them of a religious nature. It is similar to a national patriotic law, where alliegience is already made by virtue of being a citizen of a nation, which acts as a covenant.
quote: But on a closer examination, those laws represent the antithesis of your conclusion. Now go and check them in comparison of any other theology anywhere. Exceot for the US Constitution, which is derived from the OT laws, and some nations like India which have been tolerent and hospital to many peoples for 1000s of years, I have not seen the equivalence of the OT laws in relation to tolerance in any other sector. Certainly not in christianity and islam, where these laws are not found as mandated: DO NOT VEX THE STRANGER [A 'stranger' in the OT is one from a different belief, nation and tradition] LOVE THE STRANGER DO NOT LIE TO THE STARNGER DO NOT CHEAT OR DECIEVE THE STRANGER EQUAL RIGHTS FOR THE STRANGER AS THE INHABITANT FOR YOU WERE STRANGERS IN A STRANGE LAND AND YOU KNOW HOW THAT WAS.
macaroniandcheese ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 4244 days) Posts: 4258 Joined: |
this is completely off-topic, completely undemonstrated, uneducated bible drivel.
Now that's a new one. Henotheists - as in believing in hens? no, more uneducated ravings.dictionaries aren't hard. they name things. it's amazing. you like naming things. henotheism: the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods. the middle east of prehistory was filled with regional gods, tied to the land. case in point, when the man came down from philistia and decided to worship the god of abraham, he took home soil from israel. he couldn't worship the god of israel unless he was "in israel" or rather "on israeli soil". why do you think abraham's god brought him to a place where he could worship him? it wasn't because israel was some oasis in the desert. it's still fucking desert. but it was the land of that god. no matter what your pastor says, "you shall have no other gods before me" doesn't mean money or sex or chocolate or "whatever you might love more than jesus" it really means other gods. they were absolutely convinced of a full pantheon of various levels of supernatural creatures. believing that there may be other gods but you only worship one is henotheism. also, stop saying maths. it makes you sound stupids.
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