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Davidjay  Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Numerological Arguments that the Speed of Light was Designed | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Allow me to open up a discussion first on the LOGIC OF DESIGN.
For if there is design to created matter, than it should be seen in everything rather than just, lets say in human design. Evolution says indirectly, that there is no design and no Designer, only luck and chance So lets for discussion sake, go to the logical rational side, and discuss if the creationist argument makes sense, because if it is to make sense, then all things must be by design, rather than just a few here and there. In other words, distances must be by design, and not at random. Time must be by design and seconds not be just a random measure.And of course speeds must be by design rather than just a random speed of random distances through a random time frame. All of these characteristics should be by design and inter-related if the whole creation was made by DESIGN. Surely it must be an ALL or nothing principle, otherwise the nefarious luck and chance and randomness of evolution will creep in a suggest, this was a mistake or this was a beneficial mistake or could have been done better, etc etc etc... So is this logic, true or false. For I want to show and proof mathematically that light speed is by DESIGN.. and is not a random speed that just happened to exist because light itself determined its speed, or some other weird theory by weird scientists. Hence I started composing the following... Everything was created by design. Nothing was by accident. All things were created. Light was created and was not a precursor that just existed. All of lights properties were created by design, not separate, but in accordance with an overall design pattern. Light speed as such, is not a random speed, but was created to harmonize with all the rest of CREATION. Light and light speed were creations, and part of design, straight from DAY 1. Size does not matter with design, whether the microcosm or middlecosm. Similiarly, the macrocosm distances, speeds and sizes are by design and are not at random. Nothing is at random, all things are connected because all creation is based on the physics of space, and time. Physics is just the study of the laws of creation, the laws that control the behaviour, speeds, distances of created matter in time. Physics is by design. Mathematics and geometry show matters design. All true mathematical sciences show design, and a study of them all prove design, rather than random luck and random sizes and random speeds, and random sizes. Edited by Admin, : Change title from "Light Speed is by Design .. Logic" to "Numerological Arguments that the Speed of Light was Designed". The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined:
Davidjay writes: Evolution says indirectly, that there is no design and no Designer, only luck and chance You're forgetting selection.
For I want to show and proof mathematically that light speed is by DESIGN... Your opening post is where you want to begin this effort.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Yes, do I have permission to start this thread on light speed design.
I can start with the logical rational mathematical conclusion and then give the preliminary background for making the obvious scientific conclusion, or I can start with the basics of design, starting with a researchers need to know and understand the Golden Section, the template of Creation...... and go into the mathematics of the design of distances, THEN, time, and THEN finally to SPEED. distance = speed times time Evolutionist would be free to suggest everything is at random and nothing makes sense and math doesn;t count as in evolution. Their choice unless they know some math. We got get posters up to speed, and to light speed and beyond. For past light speed is you know what .... or maybe not. Lets discuss it for the benefit of all. Got to get people thinking rather than relying on luck and chance, and magical selection. IMOEvolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
I got you, now Percy, you want me to summarize light speed is by design into a short concise summation, of what I will be able to verify afterwards. Thats a pretty tough assignment when calculus is based on mathematics of many years previous before it makes sense.
But sure, if thats what you want and if others do the same thing when they start their topics, not a problem. The difficulty is that short term, short attention span readers will complain that I never proved it in the very first post. But whatever, not a problem, lets do it your way. I will summarise the concept and afterwards prove it in detail for the serious minded searchers and researchers.Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
You said you had "proof mathematically that light speed is by DESIGN." That mathematical proof would be a good place to start the thread.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
OK can I start.... this new new proposed thread
And show how light speed is not a random speed but is by design and related to distances, time, and SPEEDS. Lets get this thread up to speed and out of the blocks.Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design.
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined:
Davidjay writes: OK can I start... Yes, start, go, begin, initiate, embark, commence, launch. Once you've provided your "proof mathematically that light speed is by DESIGN" then I will promote the thread.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Yes, shortly I shall begin, initiate, embark, commence, launch and hopefully show proof that Light Speed is by DESIGN. But why would you promote it if it doesnt back evolution. Nevertheless, I love solving mysteries and shall get at it almost immediately on my next post HERE. Many THANKS for this opportunity, as I am composing it...... NOW.
While overseas recently, I found a stash of maybe 50 drawings of mine that were sent then when I thought we were moving there.I had time on our first time vacation, to delve into them and the first one I reread was concerning the Tabernacle of the Son. So I shall photograph that drawing of math, and then proceed. As for a pre-requisite, researchers can begin by studying how distances are not at random, time is not at random and then we will again show that speed is not at random, including LIGHT SPEED. Please READ ...... Mathematical Dating of Great Flood Thread, right HERE at EvC. See I am indirectly promoting your discussion board with a new TOPIC, a culmination of many basic principles of the past. This meaning newbies might get lost unless they brush up on geometry, math, distances, times and SPEEDS. Evolutionists will have to put on their thinking hats for a change, and study the Solar System in comparison and corelation again to the template of all life of the Creator. They will have to know the principles and math of PHI or the Golden Section. 'What house will you build me saith the Lord, when He already built our Solar System for us,as the Tabernacle of the Sun/Son. Ill return shortly after completing the Mathematical Dating of the Great Flood, because it corelates to LIGHT SPEED. Thanks OCS David. Evolution is not science and is pure religion, forced upon the young to ensure their faith in luck and chance rather than mathematics and design. The Lord created science and all things. Laws did not create themselves. Nothing happened by chance and accident.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
My graphics aren't done.. as yet.... but it is an advancement to the Tabernacle of the Sun posting.
What you first have to understand is that the Earth is special, the Messiah of the Universe and Creator of the Universe was born HERE...... hence you would expect sacred amazing design in our Solar System, both macrocosm and microcosm HERE on His Birth Place, etc. Geography is by design, not by chance and its very provable. So similiarly 'what house will we build HIM, has already been built.... our Solar System. It being 1,000 seconds wide as the Earth revolves around the Sun. Do the mathematics, and it starts to make you wonder... Light speed takes a thouand seconds to cross the plane of the Earths revolutionary orbit. Coincidence or just another design, hidden in plain sight. Next we shall corelate that 1,000 second time with the one thousand year division of Earth/Sun History equalling a day and bringing on the REST DAY of the Millinial Rule of the King of Kings, the SON. Step by step, confirmation by confirmation its plain as math can make it.... yet deniers will deny every step along the way. This should take about five to six posts to absolutely confirm, and thats just the start... as all distances, speeds and TIME fit together by DESIGN.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Tabernacle of the SUN (SON)
The Lord is the Creator and as such made everything including Light and Light Speed (Genesis 1). He then created the stars and planets and SUN, and MOON and EARTH in the exact pathways circumferences and at the exact perfect distances from each other. (SEE Magic Ratios). So let's now look at the Solar System which is the Center of the Universe. (SEE The Earth is the center of the Universe). The literal Sun being representative of the true, One and ONLY Son of God. It is in exact proportion in size to the Moon and its diameter, in a 430 to 1 ratio. This is why we can have solar eclipses where's the moons diameter completely and exactly covers the spherical ball of the Sun (Son). This is not by accident but by design. And when we understand sacred geometry where the Moon's radius of 1080 miles is added to the Earth's radius of 3960 miles, then we discover the magic proportions of beauty and power called PHI. And with this beautiful proportion also templated into our own bodies, we discover that this PHI proportion was used to design Pyramids such as the Great Pyramid and NEW Jerusalem which is also a pyramid. With the Sun as the capstone of a pyramid that extends to the circle of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. There are seven pyramids around the Sun, in one solar year of 365.24 days. (SEE Book of Enoch and Science Books) Hence 7 times an angle of 51.43 degrees equals 360 degrees. And if a degree equals a day, we have yet to finish a whole year and the HOLY DAYS of 5.24 must be accounted for, to bring us into HARMONY of a complete cycle. This being exactly why, the Lord's COMMA, (Known by Pathagorus from the Egyptians must be used to harmonize sound). This Comma, or mathematical absolute of 365.24/360 = 1.0014 is the tuning frequency that harmonises our seven octave scale of life. (SEE Sacred Geometry and Music). So with this in mind, our solar cycle is not just a random measure of time, but tuned to the Lord's TIMING. For again, it takes light 500 seconds to get to us (And amazingly can in one second circum-navigate the Earth seven times) SEE How far ? How big ? How many ?, and 500 is said to be the height of the Great Pyramid as well as the prophetic distance in inches of the Great Pyramid Passageways. (SEE Great Pyramid Prophecy). Hence from capstone to our Base in Earth, it takes 500 seconds for the Light of the Lord to reach us, exactly the same as the ratio of 500 feet to the Base of the Great Pyramid. Base to base is the same 500 seconds, or 500 feet. And when you understand that New Jerusalem is just a 10,000 to one magnification of the Giza Pyramid, then the same co-relations exist. Seconds to feet, or as with light as we are find out one nanosecond to one foot. For 500 feet is very prominent and important in prophecy, literature, and therefore in literal height because of this co-relation back to the macrocosm of the Tabernacle of the SON... And it is for this reason that the Great Pyramid, the Cydonia mound, and Glastonbury Tor were all 500 feet in height. And there's more because in the Great Pyramid, 500 feet or 6000 inches represented the 6000 years of man's history. One inch = one year . .... meaning not only distance was designed for sacred purposes but time as well. There is a definite co-relation between distance and light speed, and hence distance and speed, and as the equation states TIME. Distance equals Speed times Time. But for further confirmation take the distance of our Earth from the Sun, 93,000,000 miles, and divide it by the speed of Light of 96,000 miles per second and its answer comes out to 500 seconds for light from the Sun (SON) to get to us. But at light speed in one whole second light travels one billion feet, or in one nanosecond, light travels one foot. "One nanosecond -- a billionth of a second -- is the speed at which transistors in today's computers turn on and off to represent the ones and zeros of binary logic and arithmetic. It is a time-duration so short that light, which can speed seven times around Earth in the second between our heartbeats, travels only one foot." (From Clark-MXR Manufactures Femtosecond, Ultrafast Lasers and Provides Laser Micromachining Services -- and do notice, it is at this speed that our crystaline computers function and work SEE Sexy Star of David)So Light Speed is related to one foot or 12 inches... And 33 hertz or sound is related to light speed by SEE http://www.klatu.com/lix/index.html and because 33 hertz is the resonant frequency of quartz crystals and the inside frequency of pyramids like the Great Pyramid, New Jerusalem and then it is easy to understand why 33 is also correlated to light speed in the greater temple of the Lord, the Tabernacle of the SUN. You can even see it graphically ....... So don't tell me, the Lord isn't the Designer of the Solar System and Heavens, and us. His sound and light and laws, speeds and distances all harmonize together beautifully. IHS David Jay Jordan SEE Graphics at TabernacleoftheSun Edited by Admin, : Eliminate extraneous line-breaks.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
As you study and research you find more and more truths if your basics are corerct and exact. If your cornerstone is solid and aligned, you can make progress..
Job 38 3"Now gird up your loins like a man, And I will ask you, and you instruct Me! 4"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, 5Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? Line means design, not at random. Measure means distance, speed and time exactly. Do the measurements of the Tabernacle, you are now responsible...if you are true scientists, if not you are true ********.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Admin Director Posts: 13140 From: EvC Forum Joined: |
Thread copied here from the Numerological Arguments that the Speed of Light was Designed thread in the Proposed New Topics forum.
Tangle Member Posts: 9633 From: UK Joined: Member Rating: 5.4
Je suis Charlie. Je suis Ahmed. Je suis Juif. Je suis Parisien. "Life, don't talk to me about life" - Marvin the Paranoid Android "Science adjusts it's views based on what's observed.Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved." - Tim Minchin, in his beat poem, Storm.
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
The title of this tyhread is suppose to be about Light Speed Design and is not about Numerology.
It is about exact measurements and exact speeds, and exact times. All of these correlating to proof absolutely that time, meaning seconds, minutes and hours, and even days is a designed measure of time. Time is not at random as the luck and chance and everythingis random false evolutionists and athiests believe. Speeds are also designed to be exact and are not at random as all things were created at once in the Creative Week. Speeds are not at random, and just present with all other in the evolutionary beginning. Laws did not evolve, nor were they created by evolution. Laws and speeds are by design. Speeds are not a random measure, but a specific measure in a specific designed amount of time. Light speed is by design. Our Solar System is not a random, thown in the universe random setting. It also is PHI designed and our Earth plane is the Tabernacle of the Sun, with designed diameter, and a designed speed from one side to the other as well as the diameter of the Earth, Moon and Sun, all fitting the ratio of PHI or the Giolden Section Labeling this topic as NUMEROLOGY is an early attempt to try and mock design as if it is numerology and evolutionary hocus pocus. It is not, it is exact, and it is by design. Jesus wins again.... as intyelligence always defeats and conquers lack of intelligence. Luck and chance never wins in the end. never as in NEVER. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
Davidjay ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 2653 days) Posts: 1026 From: B.C Canada Joined: |
Who made the Sun, Moon, and Earth Distances & Ratios ?
If the Universe and more specifically our Solar System came about randomly and by chance through an undirected chaotic evolutionary "Big Bang" explosion, then there should be no rhyme or reason or ration"s involved in distances, and diameters, speeds and times between heavenly bodies. But such is NOT the case. So allow me to prove it, for even though this was common knowledge among the - elite- secret mystery schools of the past, any searching seeking individual in the present can find out these truths NOT of "Mother Nature" or "Mother Cosmos" but of our common CREATOR. So let"s start by realizing the basic relationship between the Earth and its only Moon. We know now that its generalized diameter is 7920 miles, with the Moon"s diameter being 2160 miles. But in the "sacred geometry" known by the ancients, these two distances were added together, 7920 + 2160 gives 10,080 miles. (The center of this distance being the perfect manageable number according to Plato 5040. (7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)). But wait a minute 10,080 is 1.272 times greater than 7920 and lo and behold 1.272 is the square root of - phi - or the square root of the Golden Section , which is the "magical star template'. Yet you might ask, "So what?" Well, the golden section is NOT only the template of design of our own bodies (See Golden Section class) but also the design principle involved in PYRAMIDS and the basic-building block of the Earth and computers, CRYSTALS. You mean, its all connected ?" That"s right !, there was only One Creator, One Common Designer, that is logic, thats math, and that"s scientific law. Slow down, many might say, "You cant logically join up all of life and all the cosmos on two numbers." Well, they would be right, but its Not two numbers but all numbers, all sizes and distances are exactly put in place for divine preciseness. "What distances, and even times and speeds are SACRED ?" Yes, of course they are for they are interrelated as distance equals time multiplied by speed, etc. etc. And the Key to all their inter-relationships is the Path of the Beautiful as the physicists call it and the lines and shapes of Beauty called the "Golden Section". For is it by chance that the MOON is 216,000 miles away from the Earth, 1/100th of its diameter size, and that the Moon" s radiant angle in the sky is the same as the Sun"s, meaning from our point of view they are equal, even though different in actual sizes. One being the greater or brighter light and the other being the "lesser light" (Genesis 1). Besides with this design, lunar eclipses are possible, so that when the moon gets between the sun and the Earth, their circumferences match, and the Moon radiates with the Sun"s rays. "Whoa - wait another minute, you are not saying this Creator person, put the Sun exactly in place or us exactly in place to correlate our sizes, even to achieve eclipses, are you ?" The answer is YES. For again it is no coincidence that the Sun is 93,000,000 miles away from us meaning it takes 500 seconds for light to reach us from there, or light 1000 seconds to reach across our orbital diameter around it. Because light speed is the set standard of the material world for below it, everything in the material world exists. Therefore as Einstein figured out and others have known intuitively, light has a "sacred speed" and because we have already shown that there are sacred distances, and now a scared speed, then of course time is "sacred" meaning every second of time. "But seconds are related to speeds are related to distances?" YES for similarly if you have studied Pyramids, especially the Giza or Great Pyramid, you might realize that it also had a radius or height of 500 but this time in feet. (Correlate = a year British prophecy). And then when you realize that Giza with its golden capstone in place would with this height have a base of 792 because of its golden section design, you get right back to the Earth's number of 792 x 10 = 7920. "O.K. b why is 792 a scared measurement you should logically ask?" Because the Lord"s reed or rod carried by the angel was a furlong, and a furlong was 660 feet or 7920 inches, and when the Lord eventually materializes "New Jerusalem - the Crystal Pyramid Temple" for the Universe it is 12000 furlongs on its sides ( Revelations 21) or (12,000 x 660 feet =) 7,920,000 feet. The common denominator is 792, a very special number for very special reasons and it all points back to the Creator of the Universe. even where he was born. For isn't the sum total or circumference of 7923168 and wasn't the Creator born on that exact latitude of 31.68 (Bethlehem"s exact latitude) in the exact year He was prophesied to be born. (Daniel 9). ( So now I have given away the clues as to the secret of who the Creator was, for it is verifiable by anyone that truly searches. For He was much more than a man, but the Sun of Righteousness. The Creator had and has a very specific Name, and is called the Lord of Lords and King of Kings and His Name is JESUS. In His Scientific Truth Jay For further confirmationsSEE Solar Geometry.com David Jay Jordan Edited by Admin, : Eliminate extraneous line breaks.. The Lord is the GREAT SCIENTIST as He created SCIENCE and ALL LAWS and ALL MATTER and of course ALL LIFE. God is the Great Architect, Designer and Mathematician. Evolutioon is not mathematical and says there is no DESIGN but that all things came about by sheer LUCK. .
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