quote:5/22/2015 Whole West coast moved over 48 hours Oregon Earthquake near Erupting Volcano
Over the past 48 hours the whole of the West coast of the United States has moved on at least a 4.0 magnitude level or greater.
This new West coast earthquake activity is expected, but unwelcome.
See the earthquake forecast for the West coast of the United States here (issued May 21 2015):
This new West coast earthquake unrest began with a 4.2M at the border of Alaska and British Colombia Canada (as expected).
The Alaska activity was shortly followed by a new swarm of earthquakes at the Salton Sea Volcanic buttes (located in Southern California).
The Southern California volcanic earthquake swarm was shortly followed by a 4.1M event in Napa Vallay / Gorda Escarpment zone near San Francisco, CA.
All the aforementioned activity has now been followed by a 4.2 magnitude earthquake off the shores of Oregon. These events all point towards Vancouver Island BC as a silent zone to watch, along with Washington State.
Worthy to note, this Oregon earthquake occurred very close to the location of a new underwater volcano which was detected along the Axial Seamount, which is located due West of the Oregon Coast.
A rather overwhelming review of recent earthquakes and past and present volcanic activity.
The author is not a seismologist as far as I can see, but certainly has an (obsessive?) interest in the field.
When he says things like (paraphrased) "you won't see this reported in the media" or "the professionals won't tell you about the link of quakes to inactive volcanoes" my reaction is quack conspiracy thinking ... but what is the conspiracy?