New member alpha_mailman (welcome to the fray btw), says
Representative Benjamin Waide and Creationism Message 1: Hi all, I was browsing the news this morning and came across a
story about a state representative from Kentucky kicking up a fuss about the state being mandated to teach Evolution for the ACT. He says Creationism should its fair shake and all that.
You'll note a few gems from Representative Waide. He says Evolution is 'made up' and 'the theory of evolution has never stood up to scientific scrutiny.'
Now I usually don't do this, but this bothered me so much that I found his
site and wrote him a message regarding why I think he's incorrect.
I also kept my adoring Facebook public informed of this. When I included a link to the aforementioned story, someone commented, asking 'Are you absolutely sure about what Darwin actually did in the process of deriving his theory? Just curious.'
I am not exactly sure how to respond to this. I'm sure that Darwin studied a bit more than snow peas and Galapos animals, but I don't want to overextend myself. Any ideas?
You may be mixing up Mendel (peas) and Darwin (Galapagos), both from about the same time period, but one having to do with hereditary traits and the other with natural selection.
Rather than supply the bare link in your post, why don't you post your pertinent points here and then we can discuss them to see if we can help.
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