I don't understand why Christians are trying to use the Bible to prove the existence of God.
Science is not an efficient tool for the study of supernatural phenomena as it is the study of observable data in our physical environment.
The purpose of Science is not to debunk a Supernatural God, but simply to explain what is happening in our environment. If, in the pursuit of human curiosity, science shows that some Christian dogma, or some Bible scripture is inacurate, the findings in no way "prove" that there is no God, only that the perceived "Word of God" (the Bible) itself has been used inapropriatly.
The Bible makes statements that are often misunderstood by dogmatics, such as the claim that God created the world in six days, yet later God's day is measured as a thousand years.
It is not intended to prove the existence of God, but rather to humanize His character so that we may better relate to Him. Providing a moral compass for us so that we can forgive our persecuters.
Heaven and Hell, the Flood, Eden, the Creation itself is all a matter of Faith that Science can never debunk and Creationists can never prove because these are supernatural elements.
And so what if a world wide flood is someday scientifically proven to have occured? If Science could prove it, then the data is observable and testable and takes the Flood out of the Supernatural thereby taking credit away from God by placing the event into a natural geologic occurance.
Miraculous events do not adhere to the Scientific Method.
So why are Creationists trying to make it so?
This message has been edited by gigahound, 01-03-2005 18:33 AM