Question, what does the human genome have to do with this post? I am a litle lost.
If the bible was "infallible" as some claim to be, would it not have addressed these things. Would it have not mentioned somewhere what happened? Or is it just enough detail to be open in vaguness? I am not sure. We can not prove whether the bible is infalliable, so how can we accept creation and the flood account as the bible presents is, [outside of the Magesterium of Science on this one], you have to accept it by faith.
Science is more grounded in facts and observations. It is from these observations that we make tests to test them whether they be in the world of application or in the basis of thoery.
We cannot test creationism, we cannot even come up with a theoretical test for it, unless we accept it by faith. I am not postulating that we can come up with a thoeretical test for evolution, though much of the theory has these tests already in place. What, I am saying is that you cannot test things set forth in the Magesterium of Religion, these have to be taken on by faith. This Magesterium is about believing things without question or rather having faith in the belief system you hold, even though you have questions. You are to believe that what you believe is true, even if there is no test for it.
Science makes predictions off the observations. The theory comes after the observations have been made, not the other way around. Besides, how can science grow if it does not take what it already knows and does not formulate hypotheses? It cannot, yet the Magesterium of Religion does not state that the belief system has to be tested over and over again and rewritten if it fails the test. It dictates that will be the way you live your life, and that system you believe in is the one true way, there is no other way. Either you are 100% or 0%. Religion leaves no room for predictions, everything you need to live your life by and how to interact with "God" - however you may define him to be, is defined quite rigidly within a system of beliefs within the Magesterium of Religion. It is taken entirely on faith or not at all.
Anne C. McGuire
Cell and Molecular, Mathematics, Piano and Vocal Performance Majors
Chemistry and Physics minors
Thanks and have a nice day