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Author Topic:   Creationist/ID Education should be allowed
Member (Idle past 6077 days)
Posts: 139
Joined: 11-12-2006

Message 1 of 2 (367830)
12-05-2006 6:05 PM

I have heard creationists accept that natural selection, random mutations, and speciation occurs in our world. The only thing they seem to fight is anagenesis and evolution from one species. Most evolutionary research today studies mutations, natural selection, sexual selection, speciation, etc. There are in fact few studies which look at origin of life issues. So, the question is, what is there to fight about on the education level? Although most evolutionary biologists would like students to hear about the origin of life, what they really, really want high school students to learn is the mechanics of mutation and selection, so that they have the fundamentals neccessary to conduct 95% of all current evolutionary research.
Anyone have major objections to a high school biology curriculum that involves and only involves natural selection, mutations, and speciation (with no mention of God or origin of species)?
Edited by platypus, : No reason given.

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Message 2 of 2 (367929)
12-06-2006 9:26 AM

Thread copied to the Creationist/ID Education should be allowed thread in the Education and Creation/Evolution forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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