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Author Topic:   Problems with Mutation
Member (Idle past 6145 days)
Posts: 64
From: Anon
Joined: 02-27-2008

Message 1 of 2 (458257)
02-28-2008 12:21 AM

Okay, I'm going to follow along with you who believe in evolution. We start as single cell organisms. How cute. We can self replicate. Oh joy. Now, moving along, someone mutates into a multi cell organism. He becomes the social loner. But then he starts self replicating. Then we got a second species on our hands. It turns out that multi celled organisms mutate again, becoming slightly more complex. That mutated outcast self replicates and makes more of itself. This process continues for a while, changing as the Earth's crust cools down...
But here's where we run into a snag. When does the self replicating stop? If something mutates into something that can't self replicate, what happens? Something turns into a guy and is ready to start the mating process... but he has no mate. He's a mutation, a rare mutation that happens every so often.
Evolution tells us that not only did something evolve into a guy, but at the SAME time and SAME place, a thing of the SAME species evolved into an organism that perfectly matched as an opposite of the male, aka a female.
How can that happen? Seriously. If, by some statistically absurd chance, that happened, wouldn't natural selection crush that eventually? Self replication, a process seen as a basic process found in the 'beginning', should increase chances of survival. And with its increase chance of survival, how come no animal can do that today? I consider it a genetically superior trait, something that should still be around today in things besides bacteria.
I think there actually might be a certain animal that can do that, actually. If you find it, check for something. God says that each animal was created with the ability to reproduce. Check to see if self replication is necessary. If it is a type of species that lives alone for its own survival.
As you can tell, I am Pro-Creation in view, and I would appreciate it if you would post your view (for creation/evolution) before you reply.

Posts: 13140
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 2 of 2 (458302)
02-28-2008 9:10 AM

Thread copied to the Problems with Mutation thread in the Biological Evolution forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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