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Fosdick  Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
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Author | Topic: Four questions for the Admins | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
1. Do the Admins have a privileged thread of their own or communicate secretly behind the scenes by email to discuss the affairs of EvC?
2. Do the Admins ever clandestinely discuss other posters and conspire for or against them? 3. Do the Admins ever differentiate between reasonable opinionation and abject tyranny? 4. Why do the Admins appear so paranoid and afraid of losing control of this forum? ”HM
AdminWounded Inactive Member |
1. Yes there is a private administration forum with a number of threads on administrative matters.
2. The behaviour of members is naturally discussed in the admin forum as moderating member behaviour is one of the administrative duties. 3. Yes. 4. A)Its the large amounts of psychotropic drugs and B) if the forum is out of control then there will be a lot less productive debate on the topic that the forum is specifically intended to be about, so basically Percy would just be wasting his money to indulge a bunch of out of control people by providing a venue to say whatever they like and flame each other. Those are my own personal answers, the Admins are not of one mind in all things so others may have different responses. TTFN, AW Edited by AdminWounded, : No reason given. Edited by AdminWounded, : No reason given.
AdminPhat Inactive Member |
Hoot Mon writes: The whole purpose of admins is to keep a forum under control. A question for you: What motivated you to propose this topic? Having problems?
1. Do the Admins have a privileged thread of their own or communicate secretly behind the scenes by email to discuss the affairs of EvC?AdminPhat writes: yes, we have a private administration forum, which I rarely visit. Its not as much of a gossipfest as one would imagine! ![]() 2. Do the Admins ever clandestinely discuss other posters and conspire for or against them?AdminPhat writes: Only problem posters are discussed. A quick check of names mentioned does not show yours. You must not be either spamming, trolling, or ignoring requests to shape up! ![]() 3. Do the Admins ever differentiate between reasonable opinionation and abject tyranny?AdminPhat writes: Each of us is different. There is no real consensus in how we operate. Some are more strict than others. I have seen admins at other forums far worse than we are, however. 4. Why do the Admins appear so paranoid and afraid of losing control of this forum?
Dr Adequate Member Posts: 16113 Joined: |
... abject tyranny ... Grovel before me, lowly subjects! ... if you don't mind ... if it wouldn't put you out ... oh dammit, I'm so worthless, why would anyone grovel before me? But perhaps, if you feel sorry for me, a little genuflection would cheer me up. Just to make me feel I'm not a complete failure as an authoritarian despot. This whole Supreme God-Emperor thing is so depressing ... I wish I was a serf. * sobs * Edited by Dr Adequate, : No reason given.
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
AdminPhat writes:
Fair enough, but there are no clear lines dawn here to differentiate an acceptable topic or post from one that is admonished or rejected by an Admin. For get you pompous rules. They are applied ambiguously. It is hard for me to understand why so many religious topics are admitted”such as "The divinity of Jesus"”that have nothing at all to do with evolution v. creationism; yet a perfectly good and relevant topic in science can be rejected on the opinionated whim of a self-promoting Admin. Seems like a lot personal preferences and private opinions rule amongst you lords of the boards instead pure objectivity. It's very hard to tell how or where you guys draw the line.
The whole purpose of admins is to keep a forum under control. A question for you: What motivated you to propose this topic? Having problems?
Just curious. Sometimes I see evidence of petty conspiracy against me and other posters. Sometimes a favored poster can get away with literary murder. But if a poster has found disfavor with an Admin, or countered the Admin's argument effectively, he/she will be held to all the scientific peer reviewing and requirements of evidentiary documentation as if these boards amounted a refereed journal. Lots a hubris muscling around here! ”HM
Archer Opteryx Member (Idle past 3912 days) Posts: 1811 From: East Asia Joined: |
Hoot asks:
Why do the Admins appear so paranoid and afraid of losing control of this forum? Projection, Mr Hoot. First, a forum member imagines that he is being talked about and conspired against by a secret cabal. That's the paranoia. Then the forum member seeks relief from his distress by locating his paranoia elsewhere, such as in the minds of his imagined tormentors. That's the projection. Voila.
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
Dr.A writes:
Check this out with your local missionary of Christ. You may be ripe for the Lord's love and ready for His blessings and salvation. This whole Supreme God-Emperor thing is so depressing ... I wish I was a serf. ”HM
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
Adrift! That's it! No sailor wants to be cut adrift!we have been meeting, as a group, to devise ways to keep you in perpetual uncertainty frustration discontent and torture by neither loving you as much as you want nor cutting you adrift ... Per Emily Dickinson's #30:
quote: ”HM
AdminWounded Inactive Member |
It is hard for me to understand why so many religious topics are admitted”such as "The divinity of Jesus"”that have nothing at all to do with evolution v. creationism; yet a perfectly good and relevant topic in science can be rejected on the opinionated whim of a self-promoting Admin. Because the science forums are held to stricter standards than the faith forums. If you have an example of what you consider a good and relevant topic unfairly dismissed there are at least two suitable threads to bring the matter up in , General Discussion Of Moderation Procedures 13.0 and Topic Proposal Issues. TTFN, AW
Stile Member (Idle past 358 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined: |
5. Do any admins get paid?
I didn't think they did, I thought it was volunteer-work. And, well, I think some user-expectations are a bit high for unpaid volunteer work by admins.
AdminWounded Inactive Member |
I know I don't, and I don't think anyone else does either, unless its just me who isn't paid!! Sorry, that was the paranoia again.
AdminPaul Inactive Member |
Our only reward is in the suffering of the foolish peons we subject to the whims of our unbridled power. Or in other words. No, not a sausage.
Fosdick ![]() Suspended Member (Idle past 5814 days) Posts: 1793 From: Upper Slobovia Joined: |
Paid what you're worth, ay?
jar Member (Idle past 153 days) Posts: 34140 From: Texas!! Joined: |
Fair enough, but there are no clear lines dawn here to differentiate an acceptable topic or post from one that is admonished or rejected by an Admin. Quit whining and try following the suggestions that were made in your PNT. Honestly, there was less substance in that PNT than there was in your absurd rantings in the polio thread. Try looking at the suggestions that were made and see if you could clean up your PNT to the point where it might be promotable or at a minimum, follow the directions that were given to you about how you should respond.
Sometimes I see evidence of petty conspiracy against me and other posters. If you have such evidence, then there are actually threads created just for such purposes. You might try actually presenting some evidence for a change. You can never know if it will work until you try it. Aslan is not a Tame Lion
AdminNem Inactive Member |
1. Do the Admins have a privileged thread of their own or communicate secretly behind the scenes by email to discuss the affairs of EvC? I wouldn't really use the word "secretly," but there is a forum for Admins to discuss how to make the forum better. Obviously, only admins are privy to that forum. I can tell you, though, you aren't missing out on anything exciting and its seldom used.
2. Do the Admins ever clandestinely discuss other posters and conspire for or against them? I wouldn't use the word "conspire," but yes, we ask for unbiased input from other Admins on how to deal with a problem poster.
3. Do the Admins ever differentiate between reasonable opinionation and abject tyranny? Do you have a specific grievance you'd like to address, or are yopu asking a generalized question? I only ask because I have great faith in our Admin staff. I think most of them try very hard to be impartial.
4. Why do the Admins appear so paranoid and afraid of losing control of this forum? What? What gave you this impression? Do you have any specifics to offer? Edited by AdminNem, : changed in to admin role Edited by AdminNem, : No reason given.
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