Today for no apparent reason Kent Hovind popped into my head, and I wondered whatever had happened to Jo Hovind, Hovind's wife who spent a year in Federal prison for her financial actions, even though they were at Kent's direction.
I did an Internet search and learned that in 2016 Kent divorced Jo and married Mary Tocco, who sold her home and donated the money to Kent's ministry. In return he promised to purchase an insurance policy so that she would have security should he pass away. After a year and a half of delay he said he couldn't afford the $1000/month premiums, even though Dinosaur Adventureland was taking in around a million a year.
In 2018 he divorced Mary Tocco and married Cindi Lincoln, who sold her house in California and donated $130,000 to the ministry. In return she received a contract saying the money would be payed back over 20 years. Later, after accepting the money, he informed her that the contract he had signed wasn't valid because he needed 51% board approval to authorize him to sign the contract, which he didn't have.
And then there was the abuse. In August of 2021 Kent was arrested on a domestic violence charge when Cindi accused him of bodyslamming her. He was tried, convicted, fined $500, and sentenced to a year in jail, suspended after 30 days in county jail. He also had to pay restitution for medical expenses. I believe they're estranged.
Lastly there's the pedophiles. Both Mary Tocco and Cindi Lincoln claim there are pedophiles on Kent's staff, one who's on the national registry as a sex offender.
Two things amaze me. One is how consistently sleazy Kent has been over the years. The other is how good he as at convincing people to believe in him.