This has always puzzled me. It seems that there is a correlation between Creationism and people who are anti-environmentalist.
That is, I see a lot of people who believe in Creationism and are also Global Warming deniers.
Or supporters of Creationism, but oppose to the Endangered Species protection.
One needs look no further than the current administration for examples.
It always bothered me as to why.
I have formulated three hypotheses:
1) Prey on the Ignorant -
a) There are people/corporations who stand to make money from a position on anti-environmentalism (Big Oil, deforestation, developers, etc.).
b) These people need at least a portion of the public to support their cause.
c) They know that there is a group a citizens (Creationists, Ditto-heads, Fundamentalists) who will not question authority.
d) They pay influential members of this group to convince the flock to follow.
Resulting in -
e) Creationists who support environmental degradation.
2) Destroy the world!
a) Creationists believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible.
b) The Bible suggests that at some point the world will end and that this will be good for Creationists.
c) Therefore, anything which hastens the end of the world (war, disease, environmental degradation) is defacto a good thing.
Resulting in -
d) Creationists that support environmental degradation.
3) Lack of Biblical Comprehension
a) Creationists hold to a strict literal interpretation of the Bible.
b) The literal interpretation of the Flood story is "this is something that happened".
c) The message of the Flood story is "man is responsible to protect the animals, not just himself".
d) Because only the literal interpretation is considered, Creationists learn B but not C.
Resulting in...
e) Creationists who don't care about environmental issues.
Thoughts? Refutations?