Dark matter found between galaxies
Dark Matter Filament Between Galaxy Clusters Found | Space using gravitional lensing.
Would light (photons) slow down going through these energies or would light bend around "dark matter" and follow its contours and nothing is where we believe (outside of our galaxy)?.HALL OF MIRRORS - SCATTERED PICTURES.
If 80-90% of universe is "dark matter" and light does not interact but bends around "dark matter" there would be alot of bending, so are the galaxies where we really think they are?
Which in turn would mean if we could ever fly through "dark matter" as the crow flys, could we reach a destination before light, that travels a long and winding path around the dark matter, which would be a long detour if dark matter makes up 80-90% of universe.
Or does light slow down while passing through dark matter like it does through glass, retaininng its light speed once it as passed through?
Would this also mean that neutrinos cannot travel faster than light but they can travel straighter than light, and pass through dark matter?
Is there any real proof, light speed is constant between galaxies?