Are Pretty People More Selfish?
Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman: People with symmetrical faces more likely to be selfish | Daily Mail Online
These kind of 'scientific" studies, when examined closely, are always so horribly done, and simply do not reflect the truth. The researchers are trying to find a conclusion and they find exactly what they are proposing to find.
For instance, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are not attractive because they are symmetrical. Take Brad Pitt, and give him a recessed chin, patchy balding hair, and a fat nose, but keep him just as symmetrical, and then see if he rates as "attractive." Make George Clooney completely bald and give him and fat neck and see how how he rates as attractive. Give Michelle Pfeiffer patchy freckled skin, kinky reddish black hair, black baggy eyes and bucked teeth and then compare her to someone with radiant golden hair, pure white skin, bright blue eyes, and lopsided ears and see who scores higher? I will take all bets on this.
Is Harrison Ford attractive? Why? Check out how lopsided his nose is. This ridiculous notion that you can pick out one thing and say THAT is the key to attractiveness is just plain stupid science, but the people needed to validate their study, which had decided beforehand that its symmetry we are after because that somehow will coincide with their preconceived ideas about how evolution works, and so they just put the pieces together anyway they want.
Pop-bunk science.
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