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Author Topic:   Was there a worldwide flood?
Member (Idle past 5733 days)
Posts: 22
From: Renton,Wa
Joined: 12-04-2006

Message 1 of 2 (411026)
07-18-2007 2:59 PM

Hey, i'm new here and tried posting. It said i needs to be approved. So here it is. Just let me know, if i should change anything.
Was there a worldwide Flood?
The food accounts: There is plenty of evidence that the flood happened just like the Bible says. In fact, more than 200 ancient and present civilizations have reported different cultural accounts of a worldwide flood. Before I show you some of these accounts, let’s review what the Bible says about the Flood.
And the rain came tumbling down.
Long ago, the world became so evil God decided to destroy it with a worldwide flood. He gave a man named Noah special instructions to build an ark to save himself and his family. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark. When the job was completed, Noah and his family went inside the ark and took male and female of every living creature (Genesis 7:1-5). Then God shut them in the ark (7:16) and caused rain from the sky and water from underground to flood the whole planet. Everyone and everything died except Noah and his family and the animals in the ark (Genesis 7:11,21-23). More than one year after the Flood began, the earth was dry and Noah, his family and the animals were able to leave the ark.
What Evidence? Although the flood account is believable, no one can prove it happened because technology hasn’t made time travel possible. But, you know, we don’t need to see the Flood with our own eyes to believe it happened. We have plenty of historical and geological evidence.
Evidence among Different cultures.
Various versions of the Flood account exist among many cultures some of the most detailed being Sumerian and Babylonian. The oldest flood account, dating before 2,000 B.C., has been found in Sumerian tablets near the Euphrates River. Another amazing flood account, found in the 11th book of the Gilgamesh Epic among Babylonian cuneiform writings, provides one of the strongest evidences, apart from the bible, for the Flood. Here are other amazing accounts.
1. China: Fah-he escaped a great flood with his wife as well as his three songs and three daughters.
2. New Guinea: The Lizard man sent a great flood that killed everyone except two brothers, who escaped on a raft.
3. American Athapaskan Indians: Nagaitche survived a flood by riding on a mythological figure called Earth.
4. Peru: A great flood destroyed all humans except six, who escaped on a raft.
5. Alaska: A man, his family, and talking animals survived a flood on a raft. After the flood, the animals, who complained about the long trip on the raft, lost their ability to speak.
Evidence from geology.
Naturally, the only true flood account is recorded in the Bible. Yet, legends among different cultures worldwide provide convincing evidence that there was some kids of accident flood. But legends passed down from generation to generation aren’t as convincing as evidence we can see.
1. Bone Beds
Geologist have discovered large ossiferous fissures ( cracks in the earth caused by earthquakes or other violent changes to the earth’s surface) in England, France, Russia, southern Spain and Germany. Inside these fissures, geologists have found bones of elephants, rhinoceroses, reindeer, pigs, horses, hippopotamuses and oxen. These “bone beds” do not contain skeletons, but bones thrown together. Geologists have discovered one bone bed in Nebraska that they believe contains about 9,000 animals.
What could have cause animals to be ripped apart, thrown together, and buried? One logical explanation is the violent changes in the earth’s surface caused by the Flood.
2. Inland Bodies of Water
According to research, large inland seas once existed on every continent of the world. But since the Flood, some of these bodies of water have completely dried up, becoming what geologists call “ fossil lakes.” The great Gobi Desert in China, for example, was once a sea about as large as the Mediterranean. A lake that geologists call Lake Algonquin once filled the region of the Great Lakes, 26 feet higher than the lakes there today. Lake Bonneville, the size of Lake Michigan, once filled the valley of Salt Lake in Utah. What caused these great inland seas and lakes? Naturally, these inland seas and lakes may have existed for other reasons. But the Flood is a logical explanation.
3. Coal Beds and Oil Fields
Some people believe the large supply of our planet’s coal and oil is the result of billons of years of natural development within the earth. Those who don’t believe the earth is that old take another position. The flood could have buried large amounts of animal and vegetable life, providing our planet’s rich supply of coal and oil.
4. Mammoth Bodies Found in Siberia
Mammoths are extinct members of the elephant family that lived in North America, Europe and Asia. Geologists have discovered 2,000 miles of Siberian countryside filled with literally thousands of mammoth skeletons and carcasses. Some mammoths were found standing upright as they would have walked on the earth. Geologists believe that up to five million mammoths were suddenly frozen alive by unusual changes in the earth’s climate. What killed so many mammoths so quickly? The best explanation is worldwide flood followed by devastating changes in the earth’s climate. Northern areas of the world, once able to sustain life, became arctic, freezing countless mammoths in time.
Well that’s my 2.0
Edited by Repzion, : No reason given.

Posts: 4755
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Joined: 11-11-2003

Message 2 of 2 (411052)
07-18-2007 4:58 PM

Thread copied to the Was there a worldwide flood? thread in the Geology and the Great Flood forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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