Title is terrible, I can change it.
I was thinking of having a round-table type discussion with other creationists/IDists of any persuasion, about the specifics of the creation event.
Here are some sample questions:
How long did the creation event last?
When did it occur?
Do you believe it is 'finished', or ongoing?
How much intelligence or preplanning went into the creation itself?
How much was left to chance?
Did God build up the design in small stages which are observable by science, or create 'whole' specimens?
Is God in any way part of the creation, guiding its progress?
I am interested in the reasoning behind the beliefs, {Biblical, science-influenced, or personal. Friendly banter, of course, but mostly a semi-comprehensive look at how much creatiionism differs from person to person.
I wrote this out quickly, so feel free to critique. I know it is a silly topic to some, but I am genuinely curious about where Christianity is going.