Back in the ‘good old days’ when religion really did rule the roost and the inquisition was active you had to be a good god fearing Christian or else (that is, in the lands that the inquisition had in it’s grip). I have recently seen an exhibition of torture equipment of that time and it can be summed up in one word; Grim.
So a question to all us ‘heretic’ atheists out there
If the world was to collapse back to a state where church rule was as absolute as it was back then and torture was likely if not inevitable for not being demonstrability a good church going, god fearing Christian, would you stand firm to your heretic secular beliefs or cave and toe the line to avoid the painful disfiguring, crippling, and most assuredly lethal punishments?
I guess we can also swing a hypothetical scenario (one far less credible, than the one above) towards the religious among us.
Imagine the middle ages are here again but instead Science ruled the land, hearts and minds rather than the church. Belief in the divine or superstitious was not permitted, nor was any attempt to suggest that there was anything divine at work in nature. Regular attendance at public seminars and lectures on the latest discoveries was mandatory. This being an enlightened ‘dark ages’ the torture devices are even better than the ones than those that could have been devised by the religios. In short refusal to denounce your delusions of the divine would be met with a short but informative demonstration of physical principals and human biology. Imagine yourself in this world and know you believe 100% in God. You get caught praying to him and you are put to the experiment. Do you recant or hold firm ( till your arms are twisted from their sockets, and beyond)
Personally, I don’t know it I would have the guts to hold true to my views (mainly ‘cause I want to keep the guts I do have) but one small moment of pride and rebellion was standing in the chief inquisitors tribunal room in the Inquisition’s palace on Malta ( having been through the exhibition) and standing in front of the desk (admittedly it was unmanned.) and firmly told the church where to go
Note to Admins: one for faith and belief or coffee house?