hi im looking for input on the subject of fenomina simaler to life ariseing from the simple collective behaviour of a spacific progeam operateing in a virtual inviornment (a set of rules).
I have done some reasurch, as of now not extraurdonarily extensive, but what I have come up with is surpriseingly simplistic and limited. All I culd find were programs that crete seamingly lifelike behaviours such as flocking. I was wondering if anyone had any material on more complex systems with potencial aplications such as a "brain" made up of other cells that operates in a normal computer enviornment(an OS). from what I have seen, this fenomina has extraurdinary potencial but no one seams to be trying to apply this technology.
for example, if you were to add a spacific task that must be accomplished befour reproduction and selection occors.
I am assumeing evryone here has a basic idea as to what I am talking about with the virtual enviornment, genetic profiles and other things.
any input, corrections, or reasurch material wuld be greatly appreciated also if you wuld like to disguss this subject with me more extensively please do.