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Author Topic:   Natural laws in the past?
Inactive Member

Message 1 of 10 (427308)
10-11-2007 1:44 AM

The bible indicates clearly that the future will see a new universe or heavens. I have never heard of a creationist that did not believe that, or hardly any Christian.
Therefore it is true that the bible tells us that no natural laws will exist in the future.
The garden of Eden was nearly identical to the descriptions of the future new heavens, with the tree of life, and no death, and etc.
Therefore it is biblical to assume that the past was also different.
Science simply works with the present reality we find ourselves in. That is the beginning and end of it's mandate, and scope, and range, and limits.
If one assumes that this reality was the reality of the far past, or will be of the far future, one does so without the support of any science at all, just as if one assumes that the future will be different one can't rely on science.
I proposed a thread here to look at possible evidence that says that science can extend our nature to infinity, and beyond, past or future.
If that can't be done, then no claim of science applies to the future or past. If it can, then this would be the thread to do it. Otherwise, it is just a belief system, not science.
There is no need to pretend I should prove a different past with science, since science can't go there.
There is, therefore no legitimate claim that science is against the different future, and past of the bible.
Since this is out of the realm of science, and there is no science available, apparently, to directly address it, it may be more a matter of faith and belief.
That is the point!!! If you cannot promote a science case for natural laws it must be relegated to faith and belief!!!
Edited by simple, : No reason given.
Edited by simple, : Fixed

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2007 1:55 AM simple has replied
 Message 6 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2007 6:10 PM simple has replied
 Message 10 by AdminPhat, posted 10-14-2007 6:51 AM simple has not replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 2 of 10 (427311)
10-11-2007 1:55 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by simple
10-11-2007 1:44 AM

Not remotely up to new topic standards
I think you need to add a significant amount of content to get your topic proposal up to the "absurd" level. Try to edit your message 1 to get it past that point, to "acceptable", but I'm not optimistic.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Changes.

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Admin writes:
It really helps moderators figure out if a topic is disintegrating because of general misbehavior versus someone in particular if the originally non-misbehaving members kept it that way. When everyone is prickly and argumentative and off-topic and personal then it's just too difficult to tell. We have neither infinite time to untie the Gordian knot, nor the wisdom of Solomon.
There used to be a comedian who presented his ideas for a better world, and one of them was to arm everyone on the highway with little rubber dart guns. Every time you see a driver doing something stupid, you fire a little dart at his car. When a state trooper sees someone driving down the highway with a bunch of darts all over his car he pulls him over for being an idiot.
Please make it easy to tell you apart from the idiots. Source

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 Message 1 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 1:44 AM simple has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 3 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 2:50 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 3 of 10 (427324)
10-11-2007 2:50 AM
Reply to: Message 2 by Adminnemooseus
10-11-2007 1:55 AM

Re: Not remotely up to new topic standards
If you think it is absurd, why not avoid the need for a thread and show us here and now yourself the proofs that you seem to think are obvious?
When you realize you can't, promote the thread, or I guess we will have to have another look at what is really absurd.
Here is why I tried to do a tread. percy suggested it.
"You may discuss almost anything you like at EvC Forum, but threads usually do have well defined topics that they focus on, and we request that members focus their discussion on a thread's topic.
There's another issue at work in the case of the type of argument you're advancing, and that's that it can be used in almost any thread. Why does the earth have the appearance of great age? Things were different in the past. Why are most stars further away than 6000 light years? Things were different in the past. How could limestone layers have formed quickly? Things were different in the past. Why does the fossil record appear to indicate that evolution has happened? Things were different in the past.
And so members who have a preference for a single answer to many questions are requested to take discussion of that answer to a thread dedicated to it. You may propose a thread to discuss the possibility of different natural laws in the past at Proposed New Topics."
Edited by simple, : No reason given.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 2 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2007 1:55 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 4 by Admin, posted 10-11-2007 9:30 AM simple has replied

Posts: 13136
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 4 of 10 (427356)
10-11-2007 9:30 AM
Reply to: Message 3 by simple
10-11-2007 2:50 AM

Re: Not remotely up to new topic standards
Hi Simple,
If you really can't see the problems with your proposal then maybe this site isn't for you. Please try to get in the spirit of things and help us believe that you're not here just to be a nuisance.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 3 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 2:50 AM simple has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 5 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 3:50 PM Admin has replied

Inactive Member

Message 5 of 10 (427470)
10-11-2007 3:50 PM
Reply to: Message 4 by Admin
10-11-2007 9:30 AM

Re: Not remotely up to new topic standards
A thread to discuss no natural laws in our past, not different ones is the only thread I would start. Otherwise, forget about it, if you guys can't defend your most basic of assumptions.
Guess this thread is closed.

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 Message 4 by Admin, posted 10-11-2007 9:30 AM Admin has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 8 by Admin, posted 10-12-2007 7:56 AM simple has replied

Posts: 3987
Joined: 09-26-2002

Message 6 of 10 (427497)
10-11-2007 6:10 PM
Reply to: Message 1 by simple
10-11-2007 1:44 AM

Would you like this to go to the "Showcase" forum?
That is the only place I'm willing to promote it.
There we (admins) have control over who gets to post messages. Right now, no members have "Showcase" posting permissions.

This message is a reply to:
 Message 1 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 1:44 AM simple has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 7 by simple, posted 10-12-2007 5:56 AM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 7 of 10 (427592)
10-12-2007 5:56 AM
Reply to: Message 6 by Adminnemooseus
10-11-2007 6:10 PM

Re: Would you like this to go to the "Showcase" forum?
So, if no members can post, who does that leave??? Ghosts, and admins?

This message is a reply to:
 Message 6 by Adminnemooseus, posted 10-11-2007 6:10 PM Adminnemooseus has not replied

Posts: 13136
From: EvC Forum
Joined: 06-14-2002

Message 8 of 10 (427602)
10-12-2007 7:56 AM
Reply to: Message 5 by simple
10-11-2007 3:50 PM

Re: Not remotely up to new topic standards
Hi Simple,
I again encourage you to get into the spirit of things. We're not going to change site policies and procedures just to suit you.
"No natural laws in the past" has never been a position of creationism. Unless you can provide some indication in your opening post of a line of argument supporting this position, the thread would only invite ridicule. The whole reason for the thread proposal procedure is to filter out threads that have a poor chance of generating productive discussion.
Please don't waste any more moderator time. Either fix your thread proposal and post a note that you've done so, or don't post to this thread any more.

EvC Forum Director

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 Message 5 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 3:50 PM simple has replied

Replies to this message:
 Message 9 by simple, posted 10-13-2007 2:50 PM Admin has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 9 of 10 (427910)
10-13-2007 2:50 PM
Reply to: Message 8 by Admin
10-12-2007 7:56 AM

new topic

This message is a reply to:
 Message 8 by Admin, posted 10-12-2007 7:56 AM Admin has not replied

Inactive Member

Message 10 of 10 (428022)
10-14-2007 6:51 AM
Reply to: Message 1 by simple
10-11-2007 1:44 AM

Utterly Ridiculous
As respectfully as I can, I'm closing this topic. It makes absolutely no rational sense whatsoever.
Simple, trust me when I say that I know a lot of Christians from one end of the spectrum to the other. I have heard some arguments that were persuasive and I have heard some that were unsupported. (I even made some myself! )
As a moderator, it is my call as to what topics get promoted and what topics get rejected. Percy, our site owner, promoted your other topic and I see that you are stubbornly engaged in a fruitless discussion with Arachnophilia over there.
I am thus putting my foot down with you. For one month, you will not be allowed to propose any new topics. I want to see you improve your skills at discussion and debate while observing our Forum Guidelines.
You may have lost the battle, but you still can win the war if you try and understand how both sides of a given debate think.
I will restore your ability to post new topics in one month, provided that you cooperate with me and try and learn the art of debate and discussion.

What Is A Discussion Board Anyway?

  • New Topics should be supported with evidence and/or reasoned argumentation. Keep them short and don't attempt to explain your entire point in the first post. Allow others to respond so that you can expand your discussion.
  • If you are warned by an administrator or moderator for any reason that is not explained in the Forum Guidelines you can argue your case here.
  • If you are not promoted, feel free to discuss your reasons with the administrator in the Proposed New Topics Forum who responded to your topic proposal. Feel free to edit and modify your topic and inform the administrator that you have done so.
    You may also take your argument here and get feedback from other administrators.
    Usually, we leave topic promotion to the first administrator that responds, unless that administrator invites others to comment.

  • This message is a reply to:
     Message 1 by simple, posted 10-11-2007 1:44 AM simple has not replied

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