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Author Topic:   Quality Control the Gold Standard
Member (Idle past 6940 days)
Posts: 224
From: Stroud, OK USA
Joined: 08-03-2005

Message 1 of 2 (284766)
02-07-2006 8:50 PM

In the last century one of the great scientific theorists was the mathmatician John Von Neumann. At one point he purposed to design a self replicating ,machine. He knew that such a device would have to have all of the subassemblies necessary to make the entire device including the assemblers themselves and the stored instructions for each operation. Because of the large number of devices and the stored programs size and exactness of its specification he also knew he would need error detection devices for each critical operation and repair devices to fix the errors before the entire device shut down due to errors. Yet the device also had to manufacture the error detectors and repair devices... ad finitum,, Von Neumann through in the towel.
Yet in life the error rate in replicating the DNA molecule is about one mistake in a billion base pairs. And that is of course because every element in the Von Neumann model is present and works remarkably well in the human cell.
The present Six Sigma paradigm attempts to design and operate complex processes so accurately that only 3.4 errors per million operations is realized over the long run. That is the three sigma level of performance.
The cell/DNA replication process is operating at about 7 sigma... an undreamed of level of accuracy and quality performance.
In achieving the real world standard thousands of manhours and millions of dollars are spent in the design, analysis, planning, measuring and correction tasks.
At no stage is the improvement sought by introducing a source of random error, operating, seeing if the market accepts the new result keeping those that are accepted and discarding those that are unworkable or inefficient or otherwise unmarketable.
Why,,, because it would absolutely never work in the real world.
No such R&D effort would ever result in a new or higher quality profitable marketable product... not ever and the enterprise would simply go bancrupt.
Yet evolutionists suppose that a seven sigma replicator arose by a random error generator and an accept/reject "market " mechanism, namely random mutation and natural selection.
Our real life experiences refute such faulty nonsensical illogical proposals to say nothing of Von Neumann's mathmatical analysis.
This message has been edited by Evopeach, 02-07-2006 08:52 PM

Posts: 4755
From: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Joined: 11-11-2003

Message 2 of 2 (284776)
02-07-2006 9:04 PM

Thread copied to the Quality Control the Gold Standard thread in the Intelligent Design forum, this copy of the thread has been closed.

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