The date of the presentation was March 24, 2015. I assume Faith must only have posted the video because she thought she had a ready response in her
The Objection of Not Enought Water for the Flood blog post. Montgomery talked about enough water beginning around the 30 minute mark, but Faith's blog post wanders across different topics. I'll comment a little.
Faith writes:
I'd respond that reason is fallen in this fallen world and there is no reason to think our own minds can be trusted to arrive at the truth about anything, especially something historical where we don't have independent evidence to support the theories.
I wonder how Faith reasons in this world of fallen reason.
We should always distrust our own minds and suppose that we simply haven't solved the problem yet, because yes, Nature does definitely have to conform to the Bible in the end.
And what of St. Augustine's two books, the world and the Bible, both written by God and therefore in complete concordance? Did Faith trust her mind and reason as she wrote those words?
He gives three reasons to doubt the Biblical Flood. The first is that there was not enough water to cover the high mountains such as the Himalayas. part of the answer to that is that the Himalayas and other high mountains weren't there before the Flood. How high the pre=Flood mountains were I guess we can't know but certainly they would have been a lot lower than the current highest.
Where is this distrust of her own mind of which she spoke? I detect no uncertainty here. The Himalayas weren't there before the flood. Period. Discussion over.
The idea that time sorted itself into straight flat rocks of separated sediments is absurd on the face of it,...
Poor Steno.
Back to the Montgomery's objection that there isn't enough water on the Earth for such a Flood to have occurred.
Just a quick clarification. Montgomery wasn't raising his own objections but was describing the objections raised by natural philosophers back in the 17th and 18th centuries.
I won't comment on the rest, but here's a shout out to Faith. It's good to see she's keeping her mind active.