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Author | Topic: Polygamy that involves child abuse - Holmes, Randman, CS? | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taz Member (Idle past 3609 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
I'm curious to what you guys think about the situation in Texas. Do you support the government stepping in or do you support leaving this fundamentalist sect alone?
New York Times quote: I'm trying to see things your way, but I can't put my head that far up my ass.
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3015 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
Taz writes: Do you support the government stepping in or do you support leaving this fundamentalist sect alone? So, I'm all for religious freedom and that stuff, but there have been far too many cases of sexual offense against minors associated with the FLDS church. Especially when you get the girl herself calling (normally it's other people accusing them), you've got to do something. Polygamy's actually illegal, but the FLDS church gets around it by having a legal divorce before each new marriage, claiming that God doesn't recognize the divorce. In short, this is just too much. You can't let people get away with this kind of stuff. I'm Bluejay Darwin loves you.
Taz Member (Idle past 3609 days) Posts: 5069 From: Zerus Joined: |
Well, certain members here have argued that by allowing the government to step in and interfere with what would otherwise be an internal family affair is a slippery slope to something far worse. Obviously, I'm referencing this thread about faith healing.
It's my position, and many others', that we as a society do have the right to step and interfere with family private affairs especially when the rights of a child have been violated and that the child's rights and welfare supercede the parents' right to religious indoctrination of their kids. Some others (ahem) have been arguing that it's actually a slippery slope to assimilating everyone into the borg collective. I must admit that I'm having trouble understanding how otherwise rational people could argue that the parents' "right" to abusing their kids with their religious beliefs can supercede the kids' overall welfare and even right to the best chances at life. Where I want this thread to go? I don't actually know. I guess this thread is just a toss up to let people take it whereever they want. Hopefully, I'll be able to understand the mindset of the other side a little better. Added by edit. Do you happen to know how they get away with legally marrying and divorcing underaged girls? Edited by Taz, : No reason given. Edited by Taz, : No reason given. I'm trying to see things your way, but I can't put my head that far up my ass.
anglagard Member (Idle past 1154 days) Posts: 2339 From: Socorro, New Mexico USA Joined: |
I find it fascinating that this cult compound is within the service area of my college employer yet I have heard little on the issue from the locals. It is interesting to see someone you have met and worked with interviewed by the national news media.
I find it disturbing that in the face of violence against women that the so-called Christians around these parts are either silent or, in one instance, supportive of such abuse. Hopefully such silence is not an indication of support but rather my lack of being 'in the loop.' Edited by anglagard, : No reason given. Read not to contradict and confute, not to believe and take for granted, not to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Francis Bacon The more we understand particular things, the more we understand God - Spinoza
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3015 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
Taz writes: Well, certain members here have argued that by allowing the government to step in and interfere with what would otherwise be an internal family affair is a slippery slope to something far worse. Obviously, I'm referencing this thread about faith healing. I tried to keep up with that thread, but it it was going to fast, so I gave up: I don't have the time to read twenty posts in a single sitting.
Taz writes: I must admit that I'm having trouble understanding how otherwise rational people could argue that the parents' "right" to abusing their kids with their religious beliefs can supercede the kids' overall welfare and even right to the best chances at life. Right. You'd think the ones arguing for a divine origin of humanity would be the ones demanding every human be treated well. But, ironically, it's the natural-selectionists (survival-of-the-fittest and all that) who seem to be arguing for human rights. And Ben Stein is accusing evolution for social injustice. That's a laugh.
Taz writes: Do you happen to know how they get away with legally marrying and divorcing underaged girls? I did a quick Google search, and this website turned up. I don't know how reliable it is as a source, but, if we're to believe it, most states have laws saying minors can get married, as long as the parents give consent in some fashion. And, since it's the FLDS parents who are coercing the marriages... Yeah. It's pretty sick. But, it's perfectly legal. Technically. Was it molbiogirl who found the site that said 44/50 states have faith-healing laws? Given that data, I wouldn't be surprised if the above website about marriage age is also true. Note that Texas, Utah and Arizona (the major FLDS states) all allow minors to get married. In Texas and Arizona, < 16 years minor have to have a court order (which was probably meant to protect girls that get pregnant young--you know how it is in Texas). In Utah, it's 15. I'm Bluejay Darwin loves you.
Stile Member (Idle past 361 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined: |
Taz writes: Do you support the government stepping in or do you support leaving this fundamentalist sect alone? I think there are two issues here, and it would be a shame to have them mingled. Polygamy (regardless of child-abuse issues) -> I think should be legalized. I have no idea how to work out government benefits and that side of things (and don't really care, either). But from a moral "people should be able to make their own decisions" stand point, I support the legalization of polygamy. Child Abuse (regardless of polygamy issues) -> I think the government certainly does have the right (and moral obligation) to step in and stop this. For the same reasons as I was advocating against the child-abuse in the previous thread.
"Valid" methods are those methods which can be shown to be a part of reality and have been shown to be successful in caring for children until they are no longer minors.
FliesOnly Member (Idle past 4462 days) Posts: 797 From: Michigan Joined: |
Stile writes: While I agree that in principle, polygamy should be legal, there are other issues to consider in the real World. First, keep in mind that what we are talking about is almost exclusively (maybe even completely) polygyny and we're ignoring the other option...namely polyandry. And I think that that speaks volumes. The primary reason I'm against polygyny is I am doubtful that the consent of the "other" female(s) is/are taken into consideration. If we're going to allow polygamous marriages, then we have to assured that ALL parties involved are in agreement...and I just don't think the practicalities of that can be realistically worked out. Polygamy (regardless of child-abuse issues) -> I think should be legalized. Now, as far as the situation in Texas, it is my opinion that the Government should step in any remove minors and/or any women that are in polygamous relationships against their will. Heck, I even agree that it's their (the Government) obligation to put a halt to this sort of thing.And also like you, my reasons behind this can be seen in the "Madeline" thread, so I will not waste time and space rewriting them here.
Stile Member (Idle past 361 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined: |
FliesOnly writes: If we're going to allow polygamous marriages, then we have to assured that ALL parties involved are in agreement...and I just don't think the practicalities of that can be realistically worked out. Why not? Even if we simply allow divorce (is that the correct term in this context?) from a polygamous relationship. Is divorce somehow implied as 'not an option' in a polygamous marriage? Why would that be? Or we could go one-stop further and have a pro-active solution: If any member of any marrige wants to include another member into that marriage, they need the agreement of everyone already within that marriage first.And, if someone wants to marry someone else yet a partner in their present marriage refuses, they are free to divorce from the present marriage and move onto the new one. The primary reason I'm against polygyny is I am doubtful that the consent of the "other" female(s) is/are taken into consideration. I don't see why this has to be a problem. All they have to do (under my ideas, anyway) is say "I don't consent to this" and it doesn't happen. Either they divorce from the marriage, or a member of their marriage divorces out of it, or the marriage continues as it did previously.
teen4christ Member (Idle past 6116 days) Posts: 238 Joined: |
Stile writes
quote:And technically... legally speaking, the girl that made the fone call could have left the compound for help anytime she wanted. But reality doesn't always turn out to be the way we would like to define it. quote:We haven't even gotten to that point yet and we already have enough problem with abusive monogamous relationships. In fact, I know this girl that is in an abusive relationship right now, and she's not even married to him yet. She has this mentality that she needs to learn to love him more in order for him to treat her better. I'm not saying I'm against polygamy and polyandry. I'm saying we should approach this very carefully and be full aware of reality. Simply define the legal terms and leave it at that is the worst thing we could do.
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3015 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
Stile writes: If any member of any marrige wants to include another member into that marriage, they need the agreement of everyone already within that marriage first.And, if someone wants to marry someone else yet a partner in their present marriage refuses, they are free to divorce from the present marriage and move onto the new one. I think I agree with FliesOnly: there isn't a good reason to refuse polygamy for those who are responsible enough to handle it, but there are just too many ways for a pervert to abuse it. Laws generally are (and, in most cases, should be) written for the lowest common denominator of the populace: otherwise, you'd have to set up some sort of meritocratic system to determine who has certain freedoms. For this reason, it would be a legal and political pain in the butt to weed out all the perverts, sex offenders and bums from the polygamy system. Now that I think about it, though: alimony and property ownership battles would likely keep this system fairly well in check. Who's going to go get married again if the last marriage left him/her penniless and living in a treehouse? (Did you hear about Squirrelman in Seattle?) And, who's going to marry a second wife when he can barely afford the first (unless the second wife is a lawyer, or something and didn't want children--that would be a two-income family with a stay-at-home mom!)
Side Note: Maybe this is just the old-fashioned (normal-type) Mormon in me, but, it seems that this idea kind of undermines the whole point of marriage. Do you know how hard it is to get a divorce from a (normal) Mormon temple wedding? You have to be able to prove that your partner isn't fulfilling his/her sacred marriage covenants. Civil divorces wouldn't be so hard, but, since Mormon marriages are for "time and all eternity," they probably wouldn't recognize a civil divorce if there were no broken covenants. This is probably what the fundy Mormons' do with their first wife when they want to marry the second (get a civil divorce, which their church doesn't recognize as efficacious anyway)--everything they do is a perversion of what we do. Edited by Thylacosmilus, : Rewording I'm Bluejay Darwin loves you.
teen4christ Member (Idle past 6116 days) Posts: 238 Joined: |
Thylacosmilus writes
quote:I vaguely remember from a couple months ago or so (or may be from an old post I read somewhere) someone here claimed to be in such a relationship. His legal wife and him are both working while they have a third person in the relationship at home taking care of the kids. According to him, all three of them want to be legally married. Anyone know who I'm talking about?
FliesOnly Member (Idle past 4462 days) Posts: 797 From: Michigan Joined: |
Well, I think others have addressed this issue, and in the same way(s) I pretty much had in mind. It can be difficult to ascertain whether or not someone is in a relationship against their will. If the male considers himself the "dominant" member...what he says, goes...he's in charge and it's not a democracy...then I can see problems arising with polygyny.
To be honest, I have not been following the Texas case all that closely, but the impression I have gotten is that even in this example, there are cases where women are leaving and are happy to be out of there...out of the polygamous relationships. And I doubt if that would have happened, had the Government not gotten involved. And remember that this started as a case of potential abuse. The Government didn't step in to stop the polygyny, they stepped in to rescue the girl that made the phone call. The women leaving is just sort of a side bonus...something that otherwise would not have happened. So my problem with polygyny is not, per say, the concept. To each his own. My problem is that in the real World, I have a strong suspicion that many many women would be in the relationship without really wanting it to be polygynous. That their "husband" would be forcing the system onto her (or them). And that she dare not speak out for fear of some sort of extremely negative repercussion.
Stile Member (Idle past 361 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined: |
teen4christ writes: And technically... legally speaking, the girl that made the fone call could have left the compound for help anytime she wanted. But reality doesn't always turn out to be the way we would like to define it. This is exactly why I wanted to try and seperate the two issues. You're talking abuse, here. The "consent" I was talking about above was the consent to be in a polygamous relationship. That has nothing to do with abuse.
We haven't even gotten to that point yet and we already have enough problem with abusive monogamous relationships. In fact, I know this girl that is in an abusive relationship right now, and she's not even married to him yet. She has this mentality that she needs to learn to love him more in order for him to treat her better. Yes, I fully agree that abuse is a problem in all sorts of relationships (not even marriage). That's why I'm against abuse. But I'm for polygamy. If you're only negative point against polygamy is that you find it's easy to hide abuse within, then you don't have a problem with polygamy, you have a problem with abuse. If you don't start finding a way to take care of abuse, that problem is only going to grow. Polygamy is not the only refuge for abuse to occur. Increase police presence. Increase education (especially education of personal rights and freedoms). Increase social care systems. None of these focus on polygamy. All of these focus on abuse. If abuse is your problem, focus on the solution of that problem.
Simply define the legal terms and leave it at that is the worst thing we could do. No one's offered that as an option. However, I still don't see how the current structure doesn't handle these cases as well as it handles our current cases of abuse. Current "handling" of abuse is not really up to par, in my opinion.
Blue Jay Member (Idle past 3015 days) Posts: 2843 From: You couldn't pronounce it with your mouthparts Joined: |
teen4christ writes: Stile writes: I don't see why this has to be a problem. All they have to do (under my ideas, anyway) is say "I don't consent to this" and it doesn't happen. Either they divorce from the marriage, or a member of their marriage divorces out of it, or the marriage continues as it did previously. And technically... legally speaking, the girl that made the fone call could have left the compound for help anytime she wanted. But reality doesn't always turn out to be the way we would like to define it. To kind of underpin this, here is a quote from FOX News' article about this:
quote: Essentially, this girl had been indoctrinated/brainwashed by negative propaganda into staying on that ranch: we "outsiders" would have made her do things that would keep her out of heaven. She probably didn't even know what we were like outside that walled-in compound. There's been too many complaints like this concerning the FLDS church to not take it seriously. I think the government's actions were completely appropriate, and that, until we have the intelligence (as a nation) to know how to work through this kind of problem effectively, we should be very conservative about what sorts of things we allow to go on. Right now, the fundies haven't shown the world that they're responsible enough to be allowed this kind of freedom, and any intelligent God would know that too, and adjust His commandments and teaching strategies to that. That means I don't believe that this religion is sanctioned by any God who deserves to have followers. I'm Bluejay Darwin loves you.
Stile Member (Idle past 361 days) Posts: 4295 From: Ontario, Canada Joined: |
there isn't a good reason to refuse polygamy for those who are responsible enough to handle it, but there are just too many ways for a pervert to abuse it. So... since polygamy may be a place where abuse can happen. Your option is to not allow polygamy? Why not choose the option of trying to stop abuse? If abuse is your problem, what about all the abuse in all the regular marriages that are going on today? You don't seem so concerned about that abuse. If abuse is your issue, focus on stopping the abuse.Stopping polygamy has nothing to do with stopping abuse. If you think it does, you're going to have to show the connection for me.
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